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血检疱疹的准确度 [复制链接]




Had an "initial OB" on mar 2009 (9 weeks after vaginal sex with partner A, 2 weeks after oral/vaginal sex with partner B). Bilateral, widespread sores that looked like canker sores. Got flu symptoms, but they had subsided before I spotted the sores. Doctor said it wasn't a typical initial outbreak (too widespread, she said) and that incubation period was not right, but gave me Famvir anyway. The “OB” lasted 1.5 weeks tops.
5 days after onset I had a PCR swab (one from a lesion, another from the cervix) -> negative for HSV. I was not on antivirals.
2 weeks after onset, I tested HSV1+, HSV2- (glycoprotein based test). And I've been getting the same result since then. Last exam was on June 2010. I'm not on suppressive therapy.
The problem is that I had "two recurrences". (a)  Jan 2010, a open sore next to my hairline in labia majora (dermatologist said it healed too quick to be herpes, said it could have been foliculitis (folliculitis) - healed completely in 5 days); (b) Jun 2010, consisting of two ulcers - one in left labia minora and other in majora - confirmed by a GYN, lasted a week. Coincidence or not, all my "obs" happened right after an episode of sore throat.
Apart from that, I frequently experience muscle fasciculation in my legs, buttocks and groins (prodomes?).
As you can notice, I'm having trouble trying to understand what's going on: Genital HSV1, HSV2 or none of them. Both my partners tested 4 months after our encounter - partner A (one-time partner) tested negative for HSV IgG using one of those antigen based tests but there's a rumor about one of his former partners having gherpes (not confirmed by him); partner B (6-year partner) tested HSV1+ HSV2-, has no history of noticeble cold sores. Both partners showed me their results.
I don't have access to WB. I'll certainly try the PCR swab again, but in the meantime, from your experience, what should I make of all this? My doctor says I have herpes, but it seems like there's a conjecture of improbabilities in my case. .


回复 119楼微笑的人生的帖子


.I think you should trust the blood test results over your symptoms.  Your symptoms don't honestly sound herpetic to me, and the circumstances of your sexual encounter don't sound risky to me.  The blood test is very accurate after 9 months, and I hope you will believe those results and move on with your life in a positive way.  

In the future, with sexual encounters, I recommend that you and your partner have STD testing done prior to sexual activity so you both know where you stand and don't have to worry post-sex about any infections that might show up.  

Hope this helps to put your mind at rest!

Terri .

9个月   是研究的最长时间   抗体晚于9个月出现的研究比较少

所以 9个月在看准不准 别说16周了  16周95%H试剂  6月97%  9个月以后没有研究 但不会提高多少了

Great.  Please let us know what the dermatologist says.

The problem with HSV blood tests are multiple and include false positive tests and that if your test is positive it does not mean that you recently acquired the infection.  HSV blood tests become positive over time with about 95% being positive at six months after infection (a few people do not develop positive tests by this time but there are no data beyond six months).  A negative test would be helpful, a positive test would not help much.  EWH .

以上说  要6个月


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