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恩是的~~国内血检不错~~现在真能看WB 了~~
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回复: 现在只有WB金标能确诊了!!!

     首先我谈谈我的经历,我做过H试剂的检验有2次,其中,H两次为阴(当然指2型的),先说说我对H的认识,首先H在美国应用非常广泛,用VRC实验室(美国华盛顿大学病毒学研究室及诊所)人员的话说,如果你6个月后的H检验为阴,那么你患2型GH的机会是very unlikily(基本为零)。如果有战友感兴趣我可以把我和VRC的邮件公布一下,不过全是英文的,我就不翻译了,怕有人说我误导。
2.IgM vs IgG
    IgM没有诊断意义的真正原因是什么呢?medhelp上的HHH博士,VCR的医生,美国疱疹专家(那个什么steven.H我还不知道是何许人也,至少我在SCI上没有发现他的影子,郭医生不要拿板砖拍我!)在medhelp上有一篇帖子,论述为什么IgM没有意义,他的理由归结为:一是,从免疫学上来说,感染后首先出现IgM,然后当个体再次被免疫,在HSV即是复发后产生IgG,所以从原理上来说,应该是首先出现IgM,然后出现IgG,因此出现了bio-caring的那张图,但是,注意我说的是理论上,理论上这些现象在very young children上的现象是非常符合这种理论的,但是在adult(成年人)上,却不符合,大量的数据表明在成年人中有初发的人根本不出现IgM,直接产生IgG,至于为什么,HHH没有说;二IgM不能反映感染的时间,很多人(或者医生)认为,IgM只是在初发时出现,复发时不会出现IgM,这种观点同样只适合very young children,很多adult在复发时仍然出现IgM,所以检验出IgM不能表示你是初发;三关于IgM的准确性,HHH认为,很多人认为IgM不准确的原因是IgM不能分型,事实上并非如此,IgM不准确的原因更多的来源于试剂的物理化学反应的影响;四为什么很多医院喜欢做IgM,这一点bio-caring说对了,原因主要有:一是习惯性,大家做单疱1,单疱2习惯IgM和IgG一起做,那怕美国的Quest实验室也是有这种习惯,很多情况当医院要求做IgG时,Quest都会补充问要不要做IgM;二是,利益关系,IgM的试剂成本低于IgG,但在美国,实验室通过IgG和IgM向保险公司获得的美元是一样多的。
3 H的局限性,
   准确的说是所有重组gG糖蛋白试剂的局限性,这也许是大家最为关心的,如果大家感兴趣,可以上VRC实验室的网站可以下载资料(补充一下VRC是美国唯一做单泡1和单泡2 WB的实验室),里面叙述的关于H的局限性,归结来说就是,通过重组gG糖蛋白抗原的实际在抗体结合点上比真正病毒的结合点要少的多,也就是说elisa这种方法利用抗体与抗原反应的方法不能真正符合实际病毒与抗体的反应,这就是为什么H 的elisa不可能查出所有的抗体,这就是H目前的最大的局限性。但是VRC最后补充了一点:即便如此,事实表明H的敏感性和特异性仍然是非常高的。
4 H试剂人种的影响
5 H可能出现的问题
Hi ####,(这是我的称谓,略去):

If there is a visible symptom present, the standard procedure is to
perform a viral culture or PCR. If there are no visible symptoms then, a
blood test will be the best approach. Blood tests are an important tool
in diagnosing herpes since 80-90% of people with herpes never have any
noticeable symptoms. One of the most commonly used herpes blood test in
the United States is the IgG herpes select ELISA (type specific) which
is about 98% accurate when taken 12 to 16 weeks after exposure. The
BioKit is about 97% accurate, also at 12 to 16 weeks after exposure. The
HSV Western Blot is considered the gold standard for testing (99%
accurate), but is not widely used since it is only available through the
University of Washington.

The blood tests for herpes are looking for the antibodies your body has
created in response to herpes. Creating antibodies takes some time which
is why the test is designed for 12 to 16 weeks after exposure. Once your
body has created antibodies, you will always have the antibodies. If a
person starts taking Acyclovir or Valacyclovir daily, this can delay the
creation of antibodies for a few weeks.

A half of a years is usually enough time for your body to create
antibodies. If you have contracted herpes, you will most likely test
positive on the herpes select ELISA blood test if it has been 6 months.
If your test is negative at 6 months, you most likely do not have herpes.

Hope that answers your questions!
Kaile Ross

### wrote:
> Dear Doctor.
>      Excuse me for my disturbing to you,thanks you for you e-mail sent
> to me, which was really helpful.
>      There are some forum about the GH, some member of the
> forum introdeced the antibody test,these member hold the point that the
> Herpeselect elisa kit was an                        
> accurate test,which can provided some valuable information for
> diagnose,but almost all Doctor in our country think the blood test is
> only suit to the investigate of epdimic, and useless in
> clinic diagnosis,they would more believed the symptom they have watched
> or the PCR test reslut.
>      I have read some other papers about the HSV IgG test, one author
> think the IgG test was useless, his result showed the OD of the IgG(not
> IgM) might rise at first episode, but the recurrent patinent's
> OD will descent and similar to the normal people, this paper was written
> by Doerr HW in 1987. The application of Herpeselect kit test
> in China might agreed with this point, too many recurrent patient
> Herpeselect test result was Negative, and almost all people with the
> atypical symptom got a negative result in our country, all of them take
> the test after 4 months. especially, one patient had taken the test 5
> times, All the results showed Negative, but the PCR test was
> Positive.Another question is some of these patients have
> taked some anti-herpe drug(Acyclovir,Valaciclovir),some Doctors think
> these drugs would delay the antibody's produce.
>        My questions were:
>       1. Does the antibody test suit to the clinic diagnose ?
>       2. How long does the IgG last in patient's blood ?  
>       3. if patients get the Acyclovir or the Valaciclovir, what effect
> on the Herpeselect elisa test reslut would be?
>       4. Does the antibody-test(herpeselect elisa,BiokitUSA, WB) used in
> US clinic diagnose ?
>       5. if one person got the Herpeselect elisa Negative result after
> half year, is it ture that he/she was not infected by herpe?
>                Sincerely!
> ##

Hi,  The only way I can answer your question is that most people will develop IgG by 12 to 16 months.   So it is very unlikely that you have herpes and another test is not needed.  I do need to add, and that is if any symptoms develop get to your health care provided.
  Also it is not necessary to do a western blot the Herpes Select is very good at this time period.
                     Mike Remington PA

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confidential or privileged.  The information is intended for the use of the
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University of Washington
Virology Research and Remington Clinics
Phone: 206.720.4340
Fax: 206.720.4371
600 Broadway, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98122
UW BOX 359928

On Sun, 7 Dec 2008, [GBK] ### wrote:

> hi, Ross
>    how about the Herpeselect Elisa test?
>    I had taken this test 3 months after sex, it was negative result, the OD of HSV2 was 0.063, Does it confirm I hadnt been infected by the HSV?

    Sorry I put months instead of weeks.  The proper form is, by 12 to 16 months 97 to 99% will develop IgG for herpes simplex 2.
     Sorry about that,
             Mike Remington PA

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confidential or privileged.  The information is intended for the use of the
individual or entity named above.  If you are not the intended recipient, be
aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.  If you believe you have received this
e-mail message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and
destroy all copies of the original message.
University of Washington
Virology Research and Remington Clinics
Phone: 206.720.4340
Fax: 206.720.4371
600 Broadway, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98122
UW BOX 359928

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, [GBK] ### wrote:

> Thank for your help! but I was infored from some website that about 98% people will develop IgG that enought to test in 12 to 16 weeks. why dose Doctor think it is 12 to 16 months?
>                Sincerely,
>                 ###

Hi ###,

The Western Blot test kit for HSV can only be ordered through the University of Washington Virology Laboratory. This is the website http://depts.washington.edu/rspvirus/.  On the left side of the webpage there is a request form which you can use to order the Western Blot test kit. Requesting the Western Blot test kit, drawing the blood, and returning the kit should be done through a doctor's office. Speak with your doctor about ordering the test through the website, or have your doctor contact the Virology Laboratory directly at 206.987.2088.

Good Luck,

Kaile Ross

Virology Research Clinic Study Coordinator

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message contains information that may be
confidential or privileged.  The information is intended for the use of the
individual or entity named above.  If you are not the intended recipient, be
aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of
this information is prohibited.  If you believe you have received this
e-mail message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and
destroy all copies of the original message.
University of Washington
Virology Research and Remington Clinics
Phone: 206.720.4340
Fax: 206.720.4371
600 Broadway, Suite 400
Seattle, WA 98122
UW BOX 359928

On Sun, 30 Nov 2008, [GBK] ### wrote:

> Dear Doctor ,
>    if I want take a westernblot test for HSV and I am Chinese,
> how can I do?
>                                              ###>


还有关于我和国内相关科研单位检查的情况,在bio-caring的帮助下,我分别在南京皮研所做过H试剂,他们的门诊是不做的,恰好他们有一个科研项目,于是把我当样本做了,在与他们的科研人员交流的过程中,了解到,他们认为这个是很准的。在09年4月的时候,我又在bio-caring 的帮助下去了上海医科大学,在他们的公共卫生管理学院(具体名字不记得了,大概是这个),做了H试剂检查,去的他们的实验楼,接受我的一个女老师,了解到H试剂在学术界是广泛被接受的,大家都用。至于为什么临床的医生不承认血检,以后慢慢说。


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回复: 现在只有WB金标能确诊了!!!

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