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在美国亚马逊上看到一个要,请英文好的能否关注和翻译一下 [复制链接]

我不是药托,偶然在美国亚马逊上看到的,估计是顺势疗法还是什么?说通过了美国FDA. 具体英文不太好,只是网页翻译过来看的!能够请论坛里的高人了解一下这个公司和这款药,毕竟能通过FDA的药应该不会是骗子。名字我就不说了,等会反而被人误会,可以去美国亚马逊搜索herpes(疱疹)。我先把网站上的内容复制下来给你们看看。本帖只是交流,本是同病人,不要攻击我!
Product Description

Please save your reviews of this product for up to 3 months as it's guaranteed for that long. This is a long term formula it is senseless to do a review of a product like this on the day you receive it in the mail, "like the latest reviewer" Due to rules and regulations I can not thoroughly describe this homeopathic medicine, I will tell you it's our 1# seller and for a reason, and that it was our first formula developed. I'll let our customer's speak for it. Our pellets are lactose free. Made in a FDA supervised laboratory using state of the art manufacturing methods. This product has no negative side effects and is non-addictive. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA . This product is not intended to diagnose ,treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We respect our customer's privacy and ship discreetly.. There is no need to take more then one vial of this medicine, it actually works better to take one only, only in rare cases have I had to use 2 vials in the same year. Many of our customer's have contacted us about still having the sensations of stinging & tingling well after their blister's have been suspended, so we developed extra strength Sting &Tingle formula for those still getting these sensation's after taking Herpes 30x (look for it in our inventory.) I hope I can keep everyone purchasing this product focused on the long term goal of this product that is putting your outbreaks in long term remission. Sometimes it comes quick and sometimes not as in the case of reviewer MMRashad, and reviewer of cold sore Ralph both of these people had to wait until completely done taking the vial until remission. So be patient it will come. This product has a 3 month unconditional guarantee.

Important Information
Thuja, Allium, Salvia, Ammonium carb, Bufo, Aurum Metalicum. Inactive ingredients: 70% Sucrose 30% Corn Sugar. Non-allergenic pellets.

At the first signs of an outbreak dissolve 3 pellets under the tongue once daily between meals until vial is complete or as your naturopathic physician directs you. IMPORTANT! If you've taken the product for 30 day's and you are still getting blister's or getting them worse stop taking the product, let the blister's heal you are in remission. For those of you that are purchasing herpes 30x for cold sores or fever blister's , I've found that it works for about 80% and there are another 20% that Natrum Phosphoricum seems to work for. You can get Natrum phosphoricum in most good health food stores 2 pellets once daily for 3-4 weeks should do, 30x or 30c will be fine.

最后编辑LXY815 最后编辑于 2016-02-28 12:24:29
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