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1。含有herb St John's Wort(hypericum perforatum)和以铜作为追踪金属的硫酸盐





Choraphor is a sulfate based solution with copper as a trace metal in an aqueous herbal

base. It is applied to the site of an active condition. Choraphor contains the herb St

John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), ammoniated acid in deionised water.

It is important to note that the Choraphor molecule has both an acid group and Sulfur

molecule attached and that the formulation process is an essential factor in the makeup of

the product. It is this combined effect that causes the Choraphor to penetrate through the

membrane of the herpes virus, hence the destruction of the virus on contact.

Sulfur, one of the main ingredients, is an age-old remedy used against infections and was

used to help the recovery of wounds of soldiers during war. Sulfur is also the basis of the

modern antibiotic. The Sulfate molecule is an important component of the Choraphor solution.

St. John's Wort, also known as Hypericum Perforatum has long been used to treat wounds and

infections and has been shown to be active against the herpes virus. Clinical studies have

found that Hypericum extract was effective in reducing the frequency and severity of

recurrent episodes of herpes labalis (oral cold sores) and herpes genitalis (genital

herpes). Hypericum perforatum is known to have potent antiviral and antibacterial properties

which are beneficial in the treatment of the herpes virus.

Please visit these websites for related information about Hypericum Perforatum:

Choraphor works very differently to most herpes treatments. Most herpes medications act to "suppress" the virus inside your body in order to reduce outbreaks. Choraphor works by eliminating the virus on direct contact with the outbreak. It is an antiviral topical application that helps to heal herpes lesions, blisters or sores rapidly, and then reduces any further recurrences.

Choraphor has been demonstrated to successfully end outbreaks in many cases. For best results, apply Choraphor when the outbreak is at its peak and when the blister or sore is in its open, most mature stage.

The fact that the herpes virus will retreat into the nervous system makes it extremely difficult to eliminate completely. What can be done is to attack the virus every time that it surfaces, depleting it with each encounter and diminishing the amount of virus retreating back into the nervous system.

This can lower the virus levels in the body which helps the immune system have greater control over future outbreaks. This is why some users of Choraphor have had no further outbreaks. Other users have reduced the severity of their monthly outbreaks down to mild, infrequent recurrences. Choraphor also accelerates the recovery time of outbreaks which reduces the inconvenience and embarrassment of the situation.

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