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以下是引用sun19732在2007-4-27 19:48:44的发言:
国外出了一种新药解旋酶。我看了英文的网站。上面说是唯一能根治疱疹的药。英文原文如下The vast majority of the world population is infected with at least one member of the human herpesvirus family. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are the cause of cold sores and genital herpes as well as life-threatening or sight-impairing disease mainly in immunocompromized patients, pregnant women and newborns. Since the milestone development in the late 1970s of acyclovir (Zovirax), a nucleosidic inhibitor of the herpes DNA polymerase, no new non-nucleosidic anti-herpes drugs have been introduced. Here we report new inhibitors of the HSV helicase-primase with potent in vitro anti-herpes activity, a novel mechanism of action, a low resistance rate and superior efficacy against HSV in animal models. BAY 57-1293 (N-[5-(aminosulfonyl)-4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-2-yl]-N-methyl-2-[4-(2-pyridinyl)phenyl]acetamide), a well-tolerated member of this class of compounds, significantly reduces time to healing, prevents rebound of disease after cessation of treatment and, most importantly, reduces frequency and severity of recurrent disease. Thus, this class of drugs has significant potential for the treatment of HSV disease in humans, including those resistant to current medications.是德国的生产的一种药。最近我也搜到一个中文网站www.aotebk.com大家看看。有经验的医生出个主意啊!是最新的药啊!该死的疱疹害死我了!都二十八了还不敢找女朋友。急

你不是在英国吗,这段话的意思应当看得懂吧。文中提到的这种药物只是说可以降低治疗时间,有效防止停止治疗后的病情反弹,减少复发的频率并降低复发的严重程度。 根本没有提到可以完全治愈PZ或杀死疱疹病毒。




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