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性伙伴有疱疹——是喜不是忧 ,性伙伴疫苗 [复制链接]

作者:Linda Geddes

The love of your life has genital herpes: do you sleep with them anyway? It's a dilemma that could vanish if a new approach to a herpes vaccine is successful.


The vaccine fights the herpes simplex 2 virus (HSV2), which coexists with the humans it infects for long periods, only rarely causing bouts of sores. It achieves this feat by suppressing its host's immune system, and this has meant attempts to use the virus itself as a vaccine have failed.


Now researchers at BioVex in Woburn, Massachusetts, have produced a vaccine by deleting five of the virus's genes. "We hope this will unmask the virus to the human immune system," says Robert Coffin, chief executive of BioVex.

现在,位于美国麻省伍本市生物科技公司Bio Vex的研究者已通过删除该病毒中的五个基因而制出一种疫苗。“我们希望这样做能够剥离病毒的面纱,使之暴露在人类的免疫系统面前。” Bio Vex行政总裁Robert Coffin如此说。

The altered virus neither causes disease nor suppresses our immune system. Animals that had been injected with the altered virus did not develop symptoms when exposed to normal HSV2. BioVex will now begin clinical trials of the vaccine in London.


Partner vaccine

A vaccine would initially be offered to the sexual partners of people who carry genital herpes, says Coffin. Wider vaccination may also be a possibility, he says.

Coffin 说,疫苗将首先提供给携带生殖器疱疹的人们的性伙伴。他同时指出,更广范围的接种也有可能。

Marian Nicholson, director of the Herpes Viruses Association in the UK, which monitors worldwide research into herpes, is hopeful. "BioVex says they are building on the information gained from previous trials, and it seems reasonable that at some point a breakthrough will be made."

监控世界范围内疱疹研究的英国疱疹病毒协会负责人Marian Nicholson对此满怀希望。“BioVex说他们正在以此前实验获得的信息为基础展开工作,在某个时候将产生突破看起来是合理的。”

A herpes vaccine also based on HSV2 and developed by GlaxoSmithKline about a decade ago showed early promise. But later trials in humans suggested that it was no more effective at preventing genital herpes than having a history of cold sores, which are caused by the related virus HSV1.

大约十年前由葛兰素史克基于HSV2开发的疱疹疫苗在早期阶段显示了希望,但其后人类试验却表明在预防生殖器疱疹方面并不比得过冷溃疡(cold sores)来得更有效(冷溃疡由相关病毒HSV1引起)。

(Docofsoul 译于 2010-3-15)

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