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请大家注意一下这个药,也许有点帮助(Dynamiclear) [复制链接]

Hi Alex,
I am here to help you understand more about Dynamiclear and how we can help you to WIN THE WAR against Herpes!

The problem with herpes is that it is so darn hard to find something that really makes a difference.

Sure, certain creams and ointments can give temporary relief and some treatments even help shorten the symptoms BUT do any of them "wipe out" an outbreak as soon as you use it or help stop the symptoms from coming back again...and again?
If you are searching for something that DOES make a difference then it is in your best interest to TRY Dynamiclear.
Our unique solution heals outbreaks SUPER FAST, you only APPLY IT ONCE per episode and the symptoms REDUCE in size and frequency (sometimes they come to a complete stop).
Dynamiclear works its miracle with 1 x  SINGLE APPLICATION (using only 3 drops at a time).  THAT'S IT!  One single bottle will give you MONTHS to YEARS OF USE of a product that our customers say "works like no other, hands down".

This is no joke and to prove it we offer a SIX MONTH - 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.  If you are not completely happy with the results of Dynamiclear, you can return the bottle to us (even if it's empty) for a full refund less delivery.
Alex, as excellent a product as it is, Dynamiclear should not be confused as being a "cure" for herpes.  It is not a cure but instead is a way of stopping outbreaks in their tracks.
Herpes is caused by a virus and, like all viruses (including chickenpox, measles and the common flu) science is unable to cure it at this time.  No treatment can claim to cure herpes at this stage because even if a treatment helps to eradicate the symptoms, there is still a small risk of transmitting the virus due to what is known as 'Asymptomatic Viral Shedding'.
BUT do not let this thought get you down because you CAN help your body's immune system OVERCOME herpes and successfully SUPPRESS the virus.
The fact that the herpes virus will retreat into the nervous system makes it extremely difficult to eliminate completely.  What can be done is to ATTACK the VIRUS every time that it surfaces with Dynamiclear, depleting it with each encounter and diminishing the amount of virus retreating back into the nervous system.

This can LOWER the virus levels in the body which helps the IMMUNE SYSTEM have greater control over future outbreaks.  This is why some users of Dynamiclear have had no further outbreaks.  Other users have reduced the severity of their monthly outbreaks down to mild, infrequent recurrences. Dynamiclear also accelerates the recovery time of outbreaks.

For best results, you can STRENGTHEN your immune system and REDUCE the GROWTH of the herpes virus by taking our recommended supplements.

If your outbreaks are intense or happen more than once every couple of months I would strongly suggest the complete 'Dynamiclear Combat Kit' rather than the solution by itself because the supplements contained in this kit help to fight the virus INTERNALLY and will almost certainly improve your results.

You truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain in trying our products.  At the very least, if Dynamiclear doesn't work for you return it for a refund BUT IF IT DOES WORK what a terrific outcome that will be!  The peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have a POWERFUL weapon against this virus is priceless.

So who DOESN'T this product work for?  If you never get symptoms, Dynamiclear is NOT for you.  It only works on "active" outbreaks where there is visible "skin irritation".  If this is the case for you, try our COMBINED LYSINE formula and IMMUNE SUPPORT.  As I have mentioned, these are supplements that you can take to help fight off the virus and prevent it from "waking up" and becoming active.

Alex, if you would like more information or would like to order please visit our website at www.dynamiclear.com or contact me directly. I am always happy to help.

Warm regards,
Sandie McLennan

Customer Support Team
Dynamiclear - the solution that works
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