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迷迷糊糊的疱疹系列研究----先从感叹开始 [复制链接]



顺便提一句, 肠镜检查一切正常!  估计就是这个疱疹并发症


终于来了一个关于新药的新消息。 主要针对乙肝, 丙肝等, 但是对于治疗病毒的一大推进, 同时对疱疹有用。  由于是附带治疗疱疹, 我就不翻了, 你们试试理解。  

永远记住一点, 科技在进步, 每一天都会有新的成绩, 相信科学。  我有信心疱疹的治愈就是不久的几年。  库伦都说了, 治愈的药已经有了, 就是还不敢在人体身上用。  所以他肯定的说治愈的药就是现在。  相信他绝不是心口开河!!杜克大学绝不是骗子。  


New herpes treatment shows promise
April 2, 2011
Entry inhibitors show promise as drugs with new MOA for treatment of HBV and HDV
Promising new viral hepatitis data presented today at the International Liver CongressTM show that
entry inhibitors --a new mechanism of action for drugs to treat viral hepatitis -- could provide the
first new hepatitis B and hepatitis D treatments for many years.1,2
Most current approved therapies directly target viral replication (e.g. nucleotide/side analogues), and can
lead to the development of viral resistance or viral rebound after the end of treatment. Entry inhibitors
prevent the virus from entering the cell and forming a stable replication complex, limiting the issue of viral
rebound and resistance development.
Professor Heiner Wedemeyer, EASL's Secretary General, commented: "The current treatments available for
hepatitis B & D are limited. These novel drugs are the first promising treatments for many years. The shift
in the mechanism of action of these drugs from inhibiting the virus's replication directly to inhibiting its
entry into the cell, and thus its replication – means they are less likely to produce viral resistance; a
huge problem faced by many of today's clinicians."
One study1 showed that treatment of ex-vivo liver cells with synthetic anti-lipopolysaccharide peptides
(SALPs) during and prior to HBV infection was highly effective and dose dependent in inhibiting infection
– reducing markers of HBV infection (e.g. HBV RNA, HBV antigens) in the concentration range of
4-5 µg/mL by 90% and 0.5-2 µg/mL by 50%.
The study also demonstrated that SALPs showed activity against other viral (e.g. HIV, herpes) and
microbial (e.g. peritonitis, colitis and pneumonia) infections. Therefore, SALPs represent a very promising
therapeutic strategy to treat viral hepatitis infection and concomitant bacterial infection – which often
leads to life threatening systematic complications.
Other studies2,3 illustrated the enormous value of the chimaeric mouse model of chronic HBV and HDV
infection for the preclinical evaluation of antiviral drugs. The study demonstrated that the HBV entry
inhibitor Myrcludex-B was able to completely block the spread of HBV from cell to cell and to prevent
de-novo HDV infection of human hepatocytes.
Professor Wedemeyer commented: "Although there are 35 million people around the world with HDV
infection there is currently little to offer them therapeutically. I am therefore delighted to see these new
drug developments."



感谢你的分享, 我心里踏实了点。  这两天总疼, 例假要来了, 疱疹也要来了。  

这个不速之客我还真拿他没办法。  送客吧!

长期疼也会担心由功能性病变转为器质性的。  不去想了, 再等几年一切就是过去时



it basically means that it won;t let the virus reproduce or get immune to the drug you are given. Once it kills it it keeps killing until it is gone. it cannot reproduce or in the case of hsv or vzv it cannot go into latency and then come back out, this is in theory since it is taylored towards hbv and hdv.

再次强调以上消息绝对是个好消息, 是最终治愈病毒感染的前奏曲。  

看来黎明前黑暗不会太久了, 战友们, 我们一定要坚持住, 光明就在前头!!



战友们, 同志们, 今天怎么那么多好消息啊!!


这个清明节没有白过, 我们的老祖宗看来显灵啦, 你们是否去崇拜啊?  没有崇拜的一定要去拜拜先祖啊!!



Did you know that there are more than 100 different types of Herpes Virus’s (this includes both animal and human).
For Simplistic reasons I will list the most common Virus’s and what they are along with their acronyms:

HHV-1 : Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)
HHV-2 : Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2)
HHV-3 : Herpes Zoster, Shingles, Chicken Pox (HZV)
HHV-4 : Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
HHV-5 : Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) or (CMV)
HHV-6 : Roseolovirus, Herpes lymphotropic virus, Herpes Type 6
HHV-7 : Roseolovirus, Herpes lymphotropic virus, Herpes Type 7
HHV-8 : Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)

Most people probably don’t know this, but most of these Virus’s not just HSV-1 & 2 are treated with anti-virals like acyclovir.

Now back to the Two and only vaccinations, The Vaccinations are called Varivax which is used for chicken pox(very similar to Shingles) and is mandatory in most schools in the USA to take, it is about 80% effective and was approved in 1995 by the FDA and the other is called Zostavax it is for Herpes Zoster(Shingles) is about 50% effective and was approved in 2006 by the FDA, both are made exclusively by Merck & CO. Some of you might think I’m wasting your time by posting this but the important thing to remember here is a recent development just happened on :
March 24, 2011, This drug(Zostavax) was until then approved for people age 60 and older. The FDA on March 24, 2011 and that’s just 7 days ago approved it for use for people aged 50 and over.

Now lets put this in a broader perspective, currently companies are working on vaccines/cures for HSV1, HSV2, a better HZV, EBV, CMV and probably the others I have listed.

We are getting closer folks especially with the recent FDA approval just a week ago of the Shingles Vaccine.

What I’m trying to do is gather intelligence on these Herpes Types and current work being done on their Vaccines, treatments and cures. I would prefer this thread to be more focused on Herpes virus’s other than HSV-1 & HSV-2.

Any Info would be greatly appreciated. We are getting closer, just one week ago we made a huge step, and its time for the next step, the next approved vaccine, drug, cure, this in my opinion will bring us closer to the step most of you are probably preferring the HSV-1 & 2 Vaccine.

顺便说一句, 不是我挑刺, 我们坛子上的置顶文章, 有些理论是要更新和订正的。  人绝不是疱疹病毒的唯一宿主!!!  

特此更正, 其实置顶还有一些其他的说法我也不同意, 但我尊重人家的文章, 我不去批判更不会去删他的帖子。  没有这个权利, 即使有也不会去用这个权利




疱疹疫苗herpv和 immunovex已经进入临床一期, 再有两期没失败就可进入市场。  有了疫苗, 下一步就是治愈。  这没什么含糊的。  关键是找出了病毒的成分构成明白了机理, 这是cullen教授的重大贡献。  我们拭目以待看看今年, 明年或后年的诺贝尔医学奖颁给谁吧!

HerpV or Immunovex will be the one since they have already finished Phase I clinical trials.






第一个是治疗乙肝的已经有了新的重大进展, 此药对疱疹也有效, 这是第一个消息

第二个消息是  带状疱疹疫苗,  (我们的同族, 但有区别, 可说是我们的堂兄堂妹吧)  已经获得美国药监局通过, 正式的药品与上个月月底已经可以上市, 就是说国外的诊所或医院可以给打了! 此育苗将适用于五十岁以上的, 为防止带状疱疹的预防性疱疹

第三个消息就是两个疫苗已经进入临床一期。  疫苗分为  预防性育苗和抑制性疫苗。  这两种疫苗我还没有进一步搞清楚是预防性的还是抑制性的。  如果预防性的对你们没有感染的爱人有用。 如果是抑制性的就对我们已经患病的人有用。  此疫苗我估计不会是治愈性的。  

进一步资料我还没找出时间阅读, 今天第一天上班有点事多, 闲下来再看!

想强调的是, 一步一步的再逼近治愈。  大家要有信心!!

cullen,  我爱你!



迷糊也被自己的研究所振奋和鼓舞, 今天一天哼着小调, 手下都不知为什么?


资料查出来了,  即将成功的疱疹疫苗是:  

herpV  是美国纳斯达克上市公司  anegus  生化药品研制公司生产的。  实力雄厚, 非常靠谱。  目前临场试验第一期, 病人反映非常好。  效果喜人啊!!  是治疗和抑制疫苗。  就是说给我们的, 我估计是打一针, 管一年。  不传染, 不复发, 不排毒。  等于治愈, 但仍带病毒。  大家不要期望打一针管五年, 那是不可能的。

HerpV is a polyvalent off-the-shelf therapeutic heat shock protein-based vaccine for treatment of genital herpes that has completed Phase 1 clinical testing. HerpV consists of recombinant human heat shock protein-70 complexed with multiple distinct antigens from the HSV-2 proteome.

第二种疫苗  immunovex 是预防性的, 给没有感染的健康人, 这已经与我们无关了。  

ImmunoVEX HSV2 is a novel live-attenuated vaccine which has been rationally designed to remove the genes that allow herpes virus to avoid the immune system. This should allow the immune system to recognize and mount a powerful immune response against the causative agent of genital herpes. In preclinical studies, immunovex HSV2 completely prevented all symptoms of genital herpes and triggered a powerful immune response, suggesting that immunovex HSV2 may be more potent than other HSV-2 vaccines for which data has been published.

注意这两个都是疫苗, 言下之意, 不能彻底清除, 但可以防止复发!!!

世界上只有cullen的研究是彻底治愈的。  cullen, 你真伟大!!!!!

不管怎么样, 每一天都在向治愈越来越近。  绝不是渺茫的了, 如果去年还是, 那今天已经是黎明前的最后黑暗!!

战友们, 守好最后的堡垒, 我们可能就要下战线了!!想搜的, 上谷歌搜吧,好好学英文!!




我在有腹痛的同时, 应该是没有手脚冰凉的情况, 但有类似另一个病友有的身体发出有里向外的冰冷感, 此冰冷感与穿多少件衣服没有关系,也不发烧, 过一两个小时就过去, 出现过两三次, 都是在复发期间!  

我天生手脚冰冷, 小时也是, 身体本来就不是太结实的那种!




订正一下, 第二个疫苗是目前在英国正在进行临床试验的疫苗, 已进入临床一期试验, 试验结果也是非常positive (正面) 有42个志愿者参加试验了, 结果良好, 目前已经进入第二年, 去年开始的, 即将进入二期

而且这个疫苗虽主要针对没有患病者, 但对已经得了的我们也有防止复发和传播的作用, 所以订正下第二种对我们也是间接有用!  

The Phase 1 study is an open label ascending dose trial, assessing safety and immune response in healthy volunteers. The study is taking place in the UK at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London and will involve up to 42 already identified subjects.

ImmunoVEXHSV2 is based on a proprietary engineered form of the causative agent of genital herpes, HSV-2, from which genes that collectively interfere with the functions of immune system have been deleted. The proteins encoded by these genes aid wild type HSV-2 in evading the body’s immune system.

ImmunoVEXHSV2 expresses all but four of the approximately 80 HSV-2 proteins, maximizing the breadth of the anti-HSV immune response generated, but without the genes encoding for these immune-inhibiting proteins.

ImmunoVEXHSV2 has been evaluated in the industry-standard preclinical model of genital herpes, in which it completely prevented disease, suggesting that ImmunoVEXHSV2 may be more potent in humans than other HSV-2 vaccines for which published data is available. The vaccine also considerably reduced the level of viral shedding following exposure, which if this translates to the clinical setting, may also reduce any window of infectivity from an infected individual.