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Vical Receives NIH Grant for an Immunotherapeutic Herpes DNA Vaccine; Herpes Experts at University of Washington and University of Texas to Conduct Preclinical Development 将Vical获得美国国家卫生署补助金为免疫疱疹DNA疫苗;疱疹专家,在华盛顿大学和德克萨斯大学进行前期开发  
SAN DIEGO, April 3, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Vical Incorporated (Nasdaq: VICL) today announced that it has been awarded a two-year, $2.0 million Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant from the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services.圣迭戈, 2008年4月3日/新华美通/ -将V icalI ncorporated(纳斯达克交易代码: v icl)今天宣布,该公司已获得一项为期两年, 2 00万美元的第二阶段小企业技术转移( s ttr)资助,由美国国家研究院过敏与传染病( NIAID的)的美国国立卫生研究院主任( NIH )的一个机构,美国商务部卫生和人类服务部。 The grant will fund the ongoing development of Vical's immunotherapeutic plasmid DNA (pDNA) vaccine against herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), a sexually transmitted virus which is the leading cause of genital herpes.赠款将资助持续发展将Vical的免疫质粒DNA ( pdna )疫苗对单纯疱疹病毒2型(单纯疱疹病毒2型) ,性传播的病毒是导致生殖器疱疹。 The HSV-2 vaccine will also be evaluated with Vical's novel Vaxfectin(R) adjuvant.在单纯疱疹病毒2型疫苗也将进行评价,将Vical的小说vaxfectin ( )佐剂。

The initial preclinical development activities covered by the grant will be conducted at the University of Washington School of Medicine and the University of Texas Medical Branch, both centers of excellence in herpes virus research.初步临床前开发活动所涵盖的补助金将分别在华盛顿大学医学院和美国德克萨斯大学医学科,两中心卓越的疱疹病毒研究。 The vaccine will be designed for use in people already infected with HSV-2, with the goal of reducing or eliminating periodic viral flare-ups and the associated viral shedding and transmission.该疫苗将主要用于人已经感染单纯疱疹病毒2型,其目标是减少或消除周期性病毒耀斑制成品及相关的病毒脱落和传输。

"HSV-2 infection is an important medical need affecting quality of life for tens of millions of people worldwide," said Vijay B. Samant, Vical's President and Chief Executive Officer. "单纯疱疹病毒2型感染是一个重要的医疗需要,影响生活质量的数以千万计的人在全世界,说: "维杰乙samant ,将Vical的总裁兼首席行政主任。 "Chronic antiviral treatment carries a significant healthcare cost and contributes to the emergence of drug-resistant strains and increasing infection rates. A therapeutic vaccine that could control disease symptoms and transmission would be a welcome addition to the HSV-2 treatment arsenal. We are pleased to collaborate with leading academic research centers in addressing this critical public health need." "慢性抗病毒治疗,带有显着的医疗保健成本,并有助于将出现耐药菌株,增加感染率。治疗性疫苗,可以控制疾病的症状和传播将是一个值得欢迎的附加功能的单纯疱疹病毒2型治疗阿森纳,我们很高兴协作与领先的学术研究中心,在解决这个关键的公共卫生需求" 。

David Koelle, MD, professor of medicine in the Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the University of Washington School of Medicine, will lead the mouse research phase of the grant.朱koelle医学博士,医学教授,在分工过敏与传染病在华盛顿大学医学院的,将导致小鼠研究阶段的补助金。 He said, "I believe that technologies such as pDNA vaccines, which can contribute to priming and boosting CD8 T-cell responses to HSV-2, have the best chance of changing the natural history of established HSV-2 infection, potentially improving symptoms, lesions, shedding, and perhaps even transmission."他说: "我相信技术,如pdna疫苗,可有助于启动和刺激的CD8 T细胞反应,以单纯疱疹病毒2型,有最好的机会,改变了自然史的既定单纯疱疹病毒2型感染,有可能改善症状,病变,脱落,甚至传输" 。

The $2.0 million Phase II STTR grant supplements the $0.3 million awarded to Vical in 2005 for the HSV-2 vaccine program under a Phase I STTR grant from the NIAID, which partially funded Vical's initial development of the HSV-2 vaccine.这项200万美元的第二期sttr给予补充0300000美元颁发给将Vical在2005年为单纯疱疹病毒2型疫苗计划下,一期sttr补助金由NIAID的,其中的部分资金,将Vical的初步发展的单纯疱疹病毒2型疫苗。

About HSV-2对单纯疱疹病毒2

HSV-2 is a member of the herpesvirus family, and is the leading cause of genital herpes worldwide.单纯疱疹病毒2型是成员之一,疱疹病毒家族,是导致生殖器疱疹世界各地。 In the United States, HSV-2 infects some 1.6 million people per year, with approximately 500,000 of those suffering from disease symptoms.在美国,单纯疱疹病毒2型感染有160万人,每年大约有50万人患有疾病的症状。 At least 40 million people in the United States are infected with HSV-2.至少有40万人在美国感染了单纯疱疹病毒2型。 Even higher infection rates are evident in developing countries, with further complications in people also infected with HIV.甚至更高的感染率明显,在发展中国家,变得更加复杂,人们也感染了艾滋病毒。 All HSV-2 infections are permanent and result in periodic virus shedding.所有单纯疱疹病毒2型感染是永久性,并导致周期性的病毒脱落。

There is currently no approved vaccine for HSV-2.因此目前并无疫苗批准为单纯疱疹病毒2型。 Although antiviral regimens have become a standard of care, their inconvenience, cumulative cost over the years and potential for drug resistance further underscore the need for safe, new approaches to reducing HSV-2 lesions, shedding, and transmission.虽然抗病毒药物regimens已成为一个标准的照顾,他们的不便,累积成本,经过这些年来的潜力耐药性,进一步强调了需要安全,新的办法,以降低单纯疱疹病毒2型病变,脱落和传输。

Estimated costs of treating HSV-2 in the United States alone are close to $1 billion, primarily for drugs and outpatient medical care.估计费用治疗单纯疱疹病毒2仅在美国就有接近10亿美元,主要用于药品和门诊医疗服务。 Additional indirect costs from HSV-2 infection, such as lost work hours, are more than $200 million annually in the United States.额外的间接费用,由单纯疱疹病毒2型感染,如失去工作时,都是2亿多美元,每年在美国销售。

About Vical关于将Vical

Vical researches and develops biopharmaceutical products based on its patented DNA delivery technologies for the prevention and treatment of serious or life-threatening diseases.将Vical研究和发展生物制药产品的基础上,其专利的DNA运送技术,为预防和治疗严重的或威胁生命的疾病。 Potential applications of the company's DNA delivery technology include DNA vaccines for infectious diseases or cancer, in which the expressed protein is an immunogen; cancer immunotherapeutics, in which the expressed protein is an immune system stimulant; and cardiovascular therapies, in which the expressed protein is an angiogenic growth factor.潜在的应用,该公司的DNA给药技术,包括DNA疫苗,为感染性疾病或癌症,其中所表达的蛋白是一种免疫;癌症免疫疗法,其中所表达的蛋白是一种免疫系统的刺激作用;心血管治疗药物,其中所表达的蛋白质一种血管生长因子。 The company is developing certain infectious disease vaccines and cancer therapeutics internally.该公司正在开发某些传染性疾病的疫苗和癌症治疗内部。 In addition, the company collaborates with major pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology companies that give it access to complementary technologies or greater resources.此外,该公司还同大型制药公司和生物技术公司给它获得互补的技术或更大的资源。 These strategic partnerships provide the company with mutually beneficial opportunities to expand its product pipeline and address significant unmet medical needs.这些战略伙伴关系提供了该公司与互利机会,以扩大其产品线和解决重大的未满足的医疗需求。 Additional information on Vical is available at http://www.vical.com.额外资料将Vical可在http://www.vical.com

This press release contains forward-looking statements subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, including: whether all funding under the grant will be received by the company; whether the development efforts will result in a vaccine that can generate T-cell and antibody immune responses sufficient to reduce or eliminate periodic viral flare-ups and the associated viral shedding and transmission; whether the Vaxfectin(R) adjuvant will effectively enhance the performance of the HSV-2 vaccine; whether Vical or its collaborative partners will seek or gain approval to market any product candidates; whether Vical or its collaborative partners will succeed in marketing any product candidates; and additional risks set forth in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.这篇新闻稿中包含有前瞻性声明受到风险与不确定性,可能导致实际结果与预测有相当的差距,其中包括:是否所有的资金补助,将收到该公司是否发展的努力将产生一种疫苗可以产生T细胞和抗体的免疫反应足以降低或消除周期性病毒耀斑制成品及相关的病毒脱落和传输;是否vaxfectin ( )佐剂,将会有效提高绩效的单纯疱疹病毒2型疫苗;是否将Vical或其合作伙伴将寻求或得到批准,以市场的任何产品候选人;是否将Vical或其合作伙伴,将成功地推销任何产品候选人;额外风险提出了在该公司提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件。 These forward-looking statements represent the company's judgment as of the date of this release.这些前瞻性声明中,代表该公司的判决截至本发布日的。 The company disclaims, however, any intent or obligation to update these forward-looking statements.该公司自行决定,但是,任何意图或义务更新这些前瞻性声明
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圣迭戈, 2008年4月3日/新华美通/ -将V icalI ncorporated(纳斯达克交易代码: v icl)今天宣布,该公司已获得一项为期两年, 2 00万美元的第二阶段小企业技术转移( s ttr)资助,由美国国家研究院过敏与传染病( NIAID的)的美国国立卫生研究院主任( NIH )的一个机构,美国商务部卫生和人类服务部。赠款将资助持续发展将Vical的免疫质粒DNA ( pdna )疫苗对单纯疱疹病毒2型(单纯疱疹病毒2型) ,性传播的病毒是导致生殖器疱疹。 在单纯疱疹病毒2型疫苗也将进行评价,将Vical的小说vaxfectin ( )佐剂。


"单纯疱疹病毒2型感染是一个重要的医疗需要,影响生活质量的数以千万计的人在全世界,说: "维杰乙samant ,将Vical的总裁兼首席行政主任。 ""慢性抗病毒治疗,带有显着的医疗保健成本,并有助于将出现耐药菌株,增加感染率。治疗性疫苗,可以控制疾病的症状和传播将是一个值得欢迎的附加功能的单纯疱疹病毒2型治疗阿森纳,我们很高兴协作与领先的学术研究中心,在解决这个关键的公共卫生需求" 。

.朱koelle医学博士,医学教授,在分工过敏与传染病在华盛顿大学医学院的,将导致小鼠研究阶段的补助金。 他说: "我相信技术,如pdna疫苗,可有助于启动和刺激的CD8 T细胞反应,以单纯疱疹病毒2型,有最好的机会,改变了自然史的既定单纯疱疹病毒2型感染,有可能改善症状,病变,脱落,甚至传输" 。


About HSV-2对单纯疱疹病毒2

.单纯疱疹病毒2型是成员之一,疱疹病毒家族,是导致生殖器疱疹世界各地。在美国,单纯疱疹病毒2型感染有160万人,每年大约有50万人患有疾病的症状。 至少有40万人在美国感染了单纯疱疹病毒2型。甚至更高的感染率明显,在发展中国家,变得更加复杂,人们也感染了艾滋病毒。所有单纯疱疹病毒2型感染是永久性,并导致周期性的病毒脱落。

因此目前并无疫苗批准为单纯疱疹病毒2型。 虽然抗病毒药物regimens已成为一个标准的照顾,他们的不便,累积成本,经过这些年来的潜力耐药性,进一步强调了需要安全,新的办法,以降低单纯疱疹病毒2型病变,脱落和传输。

估计费用治疗单纯疱疹病毒2仅在美国就有接近10亿美元,主要用于药品和门诊医疗服务。 .额外的间接费用,由单纯疱疹病毒2型感染,如失去工作时,都是2亿多美元,每年在美国销售。

About Vical关于将Vical
.将Vical研究和发展生物制药产品的基础上,其专利的DNA运送技术,为预防和治疗严重的或威胁生命的疾病。 .潜在的应用,该公司的DNA给药技术,包括DNA疫苗,为感染性疾病或癌症,其中所表达的蛋白是一种免疫;癌症免疫疗法,其中所表达的蛋白是一种免疫系统的刺激作用;心血管治疗药物,其中所表达的蛋白质一种血管生长因子。 该公司正在开发某些传染性疾病的疫苗和癌症治疗内部。.此外,该公司还同大型制药公司和生物技术公司给它获得互补的技术或更大的资源。.这些战略伙伴关系提供了该公司与互利机会,以扩大其产品线和解决重大的未满足的医疗需求。 这篇新闻稿中包含有前瞻性声明受到风险与不确定性,可能导致实际结果与预测有相当的差距,其中包括:是否所有的资金补助,将收到该公司是否发展的努力将产生一种疫苗可以产生T细胞和抗体的免疫反应足以降低或消除周期性病毒耀斑制成品及相关的病毒脱落和传输;是否vaxfectin ( )佐剂,将会有效提高绩效的单纯疱疹病毒2型疫苗;是否将Vical或其合作伙伴将寻求或得到批准,以市场的任何产品候选人;是否将Vical或其合作伙伴,将成功地推销任何产品候选人;额外风险提出了在该公司提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件。.这些前瞻性声明中,代表该公司的判决截至本发布日的。 .该公司自行决定,但是,任何意图或义务更新这些前瞻性声明
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