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Grant awarded for researchThe National Institutes of Health has awarded a grant worth more than $850,000 to immunologists at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center to study the genetics of a critical protein in herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) infection.

The disease can cause painful sores, lesions and psychological stress. Genital herpes also may play a role in the spread of other sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia and syphilis. "It's a tremendous women's issue that is underrepresented in research,” said Dan Carr, an immunologist and associate professor in the OU Department of Ophthalmology and the Dean A. McGee Eye Institute. "With an estimated 40 million to 60 million Americans infected with this virus and the number of new cases approaching 500,000 annually, it is essential to identify key components within our immune system that are critical in controlling the infection.”

Role of chemokines
In an effort to prevent HSV-2 infection and recurrence, Carr and his team are studying proteins called chemokines.
Preliminary research showed chemokines to be responsible for coordinating the body's immune response to the herpes virus.

Scientists plan to take what they learn from the chemokine research and use the information to develop a potential vaccine or gene transfer therapy that would reduce the incidence of infection and diminish the chance of reactivation once infected. Carr's study is one of a handful in the country, and the only one in Oklahoma funded by the National Institutes of Health, that focuses on the identification of immune mechanisms associated with the control of genital herpes.


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