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PZ [复制链接]


PZ is nothing, If you got PZ, you can marry, you can become good mother, you can have many baby, you can make love, but not 'fu fa' that perior, In this world, many PZ couple also same. So, don't because of PZ, you think too much 'useless imagination'  

What we have to do from now, 'Don't simpily ML with people, of course your wife can'

Do your work, earn Money , find a good wife or good husband and marry, get baby. Stop any 'ML Wan Yi'  Be a good person. Don't do bad things anymore.

Know how to take care PZ. 'fu fa' will become less . I belive PZ can 'GEN YI' one day, so don't worry.

From now, i believe all PZ people , They wake up from 'The world of Devil'  now, become a good person and start your plan to have a good family. I believe this is GOD small punishment of our Bad atitute from past. Now, we got punishment and start to become good person already!~  Don't give up!!! do more good things !! God will know we are never give up!! and one day, God see us good, and i can sure that God will make the 'PZ cure' soon for us !!~  

Start from now, we all fight togather !!!  Im from Malaysia , i understand Chinese, but i don't know how to write, IF any people can read english, help me 'Fan Yi sia' Thanks you

We win PZ forever, We not lose everythings because of PZ, Say 'YES !!!!! we are winner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' togather !!!

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