The experience of Panavir application in treatment of patients with herpes
Moscow 2002 As one of alternative means we had used Panavir for intravenous introduction in treatment of genital herpes.
The main active substance of the medication Panavir is a polysaccharide extracted out from the plant (potato sprouts).
We applied Panavir to
100 patients with genital herpes. Among them 42 were men and 58 – women, from 18 to 57 years of age. Duration of disease varied from 1 year to 15 years, length of relapse varied from 4 to 8 days; by frequency of relapses the patients were arranged thus: 15 patients hadmarked relapses 2-3 times per month; 41 patients - 1 time per month; 44 patients had a relapse 5-6 times per year. For treatment a
ll the patients had taken earlier other antiviral drugsintravenously, per os and externally, but unfortunately, relapses hadremained. As an injection solution,Panavir was administered to be given as the outbreak appeared
intravenously two times at the interval of 24 hours. Simultaneously 35 patients were prescribedto applythe gel Panavirtopically ontolesions 3-4 times per day. The control inspection was dueto be passed on the 7thday from the beginning of the treatment. Reduction of relapse duration up to 2-4 days was observed in 86 patients, relapse duration of 14 patients had shortenedinsignificantly, upto 5-7 days. All the patients had noticedrapiddisappearance of subjective sensations such as itching and burning senses, acceleration ofscabs forming processes and epithelization. The patients appliedthe gel noticedmarked antiphlogistic, anesthetizing and healing extra effects. While overseeing the patients within 6 months, 64 of them had been watched a remission; interrecurrent period of 28 patients had been enlarged twice; the amount of relapses of 8 patients had remained former. The drugPanavir was applied to 205 patients with recurrent herpes appeared on labiums. At the applying to the doctor 112 patients were observed vesiculous rashes on a red line of labiums, hydrops, itching and burning senses. The recurrence rate averaged one time per two months having enlargedup to two times per month in autumn-winter period. The patients wereadministered intravenous introduction of Panavir twiceatthe interval of 24-48 hours and application ofprotective gel Panavirtopically on thelesions 4-6 times a day within 7 days. At the second injectionall the patients marked stoppage of itching, burning and pricking senses. In 1-2 days from the beginning of the treatment, in 103 patients vesicles dissipated; on their place scabs had been forming, which had fallen off in 2-3 days. In 9 patients the development of relapse had occurred without changes and had completedon the 7-8thday. 97 patients had not had recurrenceswithin 6 months of observation. Recurrence rate of 15 patients had decreased by 2-3 times. 93 patients applied to the doctor at the appearing of initial subjective malaises such as prickings, burning, itching in the places of usual herpes exhibitings on labiums. The drug was administered intravenously one time.While applying the medication, 69 patients had not had a relapse; 13 had been watched an abortive form withtumescence and hyperemia, which had keptfor 3-4 days; complaints for itching and burning sense were marked.11 patients, who had been watcheddevelopment of a relapse, were administeredthe medication Panavir twiceintravenously and the gel Panavirtopically 4 times a day within 7 days. The duration of relapse was reducedby 3 days. 4 patients with the diagnosis of surrounding herpes from 45 to 67 years of age applied to the clinic. All the patients, whowere of corpulent type, complained for numerous dermal lesions and expressed pain syndrome. All of them were administeredPanavirunder the scheme: intravenously,on the 1st and the 2nd day - in a dose of 10,0 mls; the 3rd , the 4th day - in a dose of 5,0 mls. All the patients had notedmarked decrease of inflammatory processes and the reduction of pain syndrome duration. On the 3d –4th day scabs had been forming on the place of vesicles with the followingepithelization of affected surfaces. The duration of relapse was reducedto 7-8 days. The recurrenceshad not been reoccurred within the period of observation (no less than 1 year). Thus, it is possible to conclude that: · The medication
Panavir is a high effective antiviral drug
showing expressed influence on recurrence course of genital herpes. · The use of Panavir had
an effective as the first symptoms of disease are appeared.
· It is shown a high effectiveness of Panavir
in treatment of recurrent genital herpes (RGH), herpes - labialis
and surrounding herpes. · Protective
gel Panavir appeared to be effective for relieving inflammatory processes
and as a wound healing remedy. · Good tolerance to the drug was marked by the patients.
Chief of the Department of Dermal and Venereal Illnesses of the Russian State Medical University ,Member of the Russian Academy
of Medical
Sciences,Doctor of Medicine Sciences
Scripkin Y.К. 从文章看效果很好,可2002年的东东如果效果那么好怎么在国外论坛上看都看不到,无非是Valtrex(Valaciclovir
Hydrochloride)之类hi!就算去俄罗斯那边医院里不见得就有 接下去该怎么办呢?.................而且这时碰上自己喜欢的女孩,人世间的痛苦莫过于此,虽然我们比HIV,恶性癌症,缺胳膊少腿看不见的人等要幸运点,可也好不到哪儿去郁闷哪郁闷,幸福在哪里.......