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Pregnancy and Herpes(摘自http://peoplewithherpes.com/)
1.It is rare for infants to contract herpes.
2.Twenty percent to 25 percent of pregnant women have genital herpes.
3.Less than 0.1 percent of babies contract genital herpes.
4.A mother helps the baby by passing her antibodies to the infant during pregnancy.
5.Women who acquire genital herpes before becoming pregnant have a low risk of passing the virus to their baby.
6.A woman who contracts genital herpes during the third trimester of pregnancy is at a higher risk of passing herpes to the baby                because she has not had time to build up antibodies to the virus.
7.Most mothers with genital herpes have normal vaginal deliveries.
8.The doctor should do a thorough visual exam at the onset of labor.
9.If a woman has symptoms at the time of delivery, a Caesarean section is recommended.
10.If an infant does contract herpes during delivery, the symptoms tend to show within two to three weeks after birth.
11.Herpes can be life threatening to an infant.
12.Medication may help prevent or reduce the lasting damage to an infant if treated early.
13.After birth, herpes can be passed to a baby by receiving a kiss from someone with a cold sore on the mouth(oral herpes).
If You're Pregnant and You Have Herpes:
1.Talk with your doctor or health care provider.
2.Be examined at labor to see if there are any symptoms.
3.Notify the doctor if you think you have symptoms during labor.
If You're Pregnant and Your Partner Has Herpes:
1.It is important to avoid contracting herpes during pregnancy.
2.Using condoms for sexual activity and not having sex while symptoms are present will reduce the risk of transmission.

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