First, the average transmission risk for genital HSV-2, when onepartner is known to be infected, is under 1 in 1,000 for each epsiodeof unprotected sex. Your risk probably is lower than that, since theunprotected exposure, after condom breakage, was brief. (In monogamouscouples in which one person has HSV-2 and the other does not, who takeno precautions against transmission, on average the infection istransmitted in only 5% per year, i.e. 1 in 20 couples -- and half ofall partners never catch it.
这个是我翻译的,就是“美国疱疹专家Hunter Handsfield关于无症状疱疹的观点 ”中的说法。感觉这个感染概率好像太低了吧!远远低于国内论文发表的情况,和网上查到的也出入非常大。这个说法正确么,有点怀疑!