Gender: F
Age: 51
Married: N
City: Carmichael
State: CA
Country: USA
# partners: 0
I initially contracted genital herpes thru intercourse. I was able to have 2 normal, vaginal deliveries after this by having cultures show the presence of virus but cultures were negative. (These children have showed no symptoms and are now 21 and 17 years old.) I have had infrequent outbreaks since that time. I used to take oral Lysine daily and double-up on the dosage during an outbreak. When outbreaks became less frequent, I have stopped the Lysine; I've also been single w/no sexual partners for over 2 years. I have developed a sore recently, and believe it was caused by stress at work, being on my feet all day. I came to the site to find out what was new in the treatment; I have taken Zovirax in the past, but did need a prescription for it. I will ask if it still needs a prescription, and will probably at least get the oral Lysine and load up on it till the recurrence goes away. Thanks for allowing me to share.