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迷迷糊糊的疱疹系列研究----先从感叹开始 [复制链接]



我先不等了, 要带着孩子出去玩了, 香港今天天气真好!!  等你的答复。  



















没有PZ的人生是多么的幸福啊!:'(    做人是多轻松啊!:'(
















今天带儿子一起玩了海洋公园, 天气挺热的, 我的疱疹又在复发阶段, 而且心情还不好, 所以根本没有什么心情笑。 看着儿子开心, 老娘我也就开心了。  

根本没有心情买东西, 还买什么啊, 钱都被骗了, 自己也要惩罚一下自己, 这次要节约, 不想为自己买任何东西了。  

老公为了这件事情也非常生我的气, 但是这是我自己的生意, 他也没再多说什么。  现在最关键的就是要聘请一位神通广大的律师,他也在为我联系律师, 看来这笔律师费是省不了了, 今年真是我的多事之秋!!!!

也许是例假要来了, 再加上疱疹复发, 再加上被骗这件事, 我不知为什么总想哭!!!!!

要学会控制自己, 大周末的何必呢, 老公做的挺好的, 带我出来散心, 我还要求什么呢?  


看看疱疹, 美国的一个热心的病友昨天发出来帖子, 他把目前美国正在研制的疱疹治愈, 治疗和疫苗的药有重新搜集整理了一遍, 哇, 你们看, 目前有20多种药正在研究中啊, 哪怕当中有一两种成功我们就是正常人了。  同志们, 朋友们, 我们应该快熬出头来了!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. StarPharma (Vivagel) – I think most people will agree based on enormous evidence that this drug will probably be the next to come out, Vivagel is a preventive gel intended for women to help protect them from getting the genital hsv infection, Vivagel apparently is a topical gel applied to the vaginal area which is suppose to kill herpe’s on contact. It has been rumored that a deal between StarPharma & Durex has been made to coat their condoms with Vivagel and it will be released in the near future in Japan & also an agreement with Okamoto another condom maker. Vivagel is in phase II development with the FDA, but I will point out that Japan is not bound by FDA regulations. Latest news was May 23, 2011 : http://starpharma.com/news/68

2. Chimerex (CMX001)- Is an anti-viral which is derived from the currently used drug Cidofovir(an injectible), its main advantage seems to be that for one it is intended to be an oral drug and is not suppose to be as toxic. Tests in animal studies have revealed it may be up to 250 times stronger than Cidofovir without as many dangerous side effects, the main question is if it is released will it be used for HSV. They are currently in Phase II studies, other promising news is that they received a $36.1 grant for their research from the NIH. Latest news was April 15, 2011: http://www.chimerix-inc.com/news-and-resources/news-and-resources-details/needham-and-future-leaders/

3. Sanofi Pasteur, Dr. Knipe & Dr. Halford (Acam-529): Definitely my favorite company right now, I know Dr. Knipe and Sanofi are connected, but cannot verify with certaintity if Halford is involved but his name pops up a lot when acam-529 is mentioned in reports and the media(it is intended for HSV2). What’s interesting about this Vaccine is that it is the only Live HSV vaccine that is scheduled for a phase I study in 2012 in various news reports. Another promising thing about this drug is that how the closest relative to HSV, VZV is vaccinated with a live vaccine. What I find interesting in the news articles is that there is a lot of talk about Africa and its high rate of HSV and HIV contained in every article I can find that mention’s Sanofi’s planned Phase I study, I think they may be planning a large Phase I study in Africa. I think the drug is intended to be both a vaccine for infected as well as un-infected individuals. Sanofi is a huge company and has almost unlimited resources to push this drug through quickly if it works. Looks like a planned conference is scheduled around August 17, 2011 to discuss more about Acam-529: http://www.the-infoshop.com/conference/imvacs11/vac2.shtml

5. Genocea (HSV2)- Genocea is developing both therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines for HSV-2 based on the discovery of antigens with its technology. In in vivo preclinical proof-of-concept studies, the antigens have demonstrated protection against disease, reduced viral shedding and lesion recurrence. Although their HSV2 vaccine is still preclinical they recently received $35 million dollars in financing and have partnered with several companies. Latest news was on January 3, 2011 : http://www.genengnews.com/gen-news-highlights/genocea-pockets-35m-to-progress-preclinical-t-cell-vaccines/81244453/

6. AMGEN (Immunovex2) – Recently purchased by Amgen from Biovex, Immunovex2 is intended as both therapeutic and preventive vaccine for HSV2. A Phase I study was started in February 2010, but completion and/or results are unknown. The bad news is that AMGEN bought Biovex mainly for its cancer drug, the good news is that AMGEN recently acknowledged the existence of Immunovex2 and briefly discussed it, sort of implying they are working on it. Also AMGEN has the money to back up any research study if it chooses to do so. The latest news was on March 7,2011(you will have to register to listen to this conference((it mentions and I quote “"It is interesting that we are able to remove two of the Herpes Simplex proteins".)) ) : http://www.wsw.com/webcast/cowen3/register.aspx?conf=cowen3&page=amgn&url=http%3A//www.wsw.com/webcast/cowen3/amgn/

7. VICAL (HSV2) – Another one of my favorite companies, they seem to release news almost weekly lately. Their HSV2 vaccine is intended for already infected individuals to be a permanent suppression and to work on individuals who are not infected. They have two patents, which leads me to believe they may be working on two different variations of the drug. Although it is in pre-clinical trials, Vical has a lot of money to spend, has no debt and is aggressively seeking partners and has succeeded in obtaining them on most of their other drugs in development. They recently hinted that HSV2 was probably going to be their primary focus after they finish their cancer drug and CMV drug which are both almost finished and also leaked out that they we’re in discussions with partners on their HSV2 vaccine. Their latest news came on May 16,2011 in a webcast conference: http://noble.mediasite.com/mediasite/SilverlightPlayer/Default.aspx?peid=e99265127b01471480c23b34b1c801d1 1d

8. AICURIS (AIC-316)- AIC-316, intended for HSV2 is suppose to be a therapeutic drug that is suppose to stop all viral shedding and could prevent the transmission to others, possibly making it a permanent suppression drug. What I don’t like about this company is it is most likely small and we don’t really know their financial situation since it is a privately held company and the fact they said they we’re going to release findings sometime early in 2011 on the Phase II study that was finished in December 2010. What I do like is ofcourse the fact they have made it to phase II and completed it, but whether it was successful or not is of concern, since they haven’t even told us that they are either still studying it, talking to partners or it was a failure. I hope Aicuris will say something soon. The last news I have on the company came on December 8, 2010: http://www.aicuris.com/10d46/News_Publications.htm

9. AGENUS (HerpV) – HerpV also known as AG-707 is an interesting vaccine intended for HSV2 where that it attacks the virus by producing more CD4 and CD8 Killer T cells. What I like about this vaccine is that it is definitely unique in how it operates, it could potentially cure HSV. It also had (although small) a very successful Phase I study. Its major obstacle is funding it seems, I almost have to think they will have to get a larger pharmaceutical company to back them up. Their financials are not very good. But things could turn around quickly if they get someone to back them up or possibly grant funding for their research. The latest news I have on them is July 27,2010 : http://www.agenusbio.com/docs/herpv/0727.pdf

10. CELLECTICS (HSV1) : Don’t know much about this one, it uses a technique called virus clipping also known as meganucleases, it is suppose to be a preventive, but may work as a cure. I do not no its mode of delivery but suspect it’s a vaccine. The good news is this seems to be a pretty good financially sound company and I believe they have the money to back up any research. The latest news I have on this drug is dated January 19, 2011: http://www.cellectis.com/sites/default/files/110119_MolecularTherapy_EN_0.pdf

11. PEREGRINE (Bavituximab) : Currently in Phase II clinical development against hepatitis C virus (HCV), bavituximab is the first in a new class of patented antibodies that target and bind to the cellular membrane component phosphatidylserine (PS). PS is a highly immunosuppressive molecule usually located inside cells, but which becomes exposed on the outside of the membranes of certain viruses and virally infected cells, creating a target for antiviral therapy. There has been some belief that this is a wide spectrum drug and could be used to treat many virus’s including the Herpe’s strains of virus’s, more in particularly CMV, but some scientists suggest it could cure HSV by eliminating the sensory neurons. Now whether this would be good on the body I do not really know. The latest news I have on this is April 1, 2011: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=...8lUOq60A&pli=1

12. ALPHAVAX (HSV2) – This comes directly from their website: AlphaVax is developing prophylactic and therapeutic alphavaccine products focused on the sexually transmitted form of HSV. These products are leveraged by 6 years of preclinical work showing excellent prophylactic protection in animal models as well as the ability to reduce HSV reactivation and disease severity in state-of-the-art therapeutic disease models. A successful prophylactic vaccine product is expected to require the induction of both antibody and T-cells, which makes HSV an ideally suited target for our alphavaccine platform. Based on successful preclinical work which is now published, AlphaVax is advancing an HSV alphavaccine into clinical testing early in 2010. Following phase 1 safety and immunogenicity trials, a phase 2 proof-of-concept trial may be carried out in "discordant couples" which should provide an early indication of efficacy. I’m not sure what the holdup on taking this to trials, but suspect it is money, they are currently looking for partners. The latest news I have on this vaccine is dated November 4, 2009: http://www.alphavax.com/docs/pr/release_59.pdf

13. NANOVIRICIDES (HSV1 & HSV2): Is an anti-viral Topical ointment as well as possibly a pill. Has been shown in studies to kill the HSV virus and has the potential of possibly killing the virus permanently. Not a lot is known about its action. The latest news I have on this anti-viral is August 10,2009: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20090810/Nanoviricides-anti-herpes-drug-candidate-reduces-viral-load-by-999925.aspx

14. AstraZeneca (Motavizumab)- Is a Monoclonal antibody, it is currently in a Phase III trial. It is intended for treatment and ability to seek out HSV in some studies, but has now been restricted to treat various RSV. Some of the studies AstraZeneca did they have voluntarily withdrawn from FDA licensing. Latest news was December 2010, not very promising news, but AstraZeneca has the money to back up almost any research: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motavizumab

15. CYTOGENICS (Simplivir) – Is a topical cream that works a little differently by that it attacks and cancels the reproduction of the virus and supposedly keep it from migrating to nerve cells. This company has an interesting approach, but I think it will be a while before anything new develops. They claim of a hundred fold decrease in viral load in rats. Latest news I’m aware of was on March 2, 2005, Although they did apply for a patent in 2008 that I did not link to(since it has no viable info): http://www.cytogenix.com/en_us/Company/pr_simplivir.html

17. MYMETICS (HSV1 & HSV2): a Vaccine in early stages of development, this is taken directly from their website; Exploratory experiments were performed on mice in which the immunogenicity of HSV-1 virosomes is investigated, following injections through various routes (intra-muscular and intra-nasal).
The next stage of research will focus on the development of new virosomes. If results are confirmed, up-scale and GMP production will be investigated with mandatory toxicity evaluation in animals. A small Phase I clinical trial in a population of seronegative subjects to HSV to assess the safety and tolerability of the vaccine should take place soon after toxicology studies.

18. Biomedical Research Models (HSV2): Currently working on a vaccine for HSV2, received a nice large grant for their research. Not much known about this company. Latest news I have is dated February 23, 2009 : http://www.biomere.com/pdf/2009-grant-press-1.pdf

19. VIRONOVA (VN-180) - Therapeutic Antiviral - Vironova’s lead compound, VN-180, is a CAI which acts to block the formation of the virus particle, thus inhibiting newly replicated viruses from maturing and becoming infectious. This unique broad range Herpes antiviral has been developed significantly faster than industry average utilizing Vironova’s virus analysis technologies. VN-180 has been presented to major pharmaceutical companies and discussions will proceed during the development of the project. The good news I suppose is that this drug is intended to be used for all Herpe’s class’s of drugs 1-8, has the potential of being a wide spectrum anti-viral I suppose kind of like CMX001. The latest news I have on VN-180 and I’m not sure since it pertains to it, since a lot of it is in Swedish and I do not speak it is on November 13, 2008 : http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/pressroom/vironova/video/view/vironova-virus-diagnostics-and-antiviral-drug-development-803

20. CEL-SCI (Herpes ((HSV?)): A Vaccine that uses peptide immunogens to get a better immune response also involves the C4 T cells. This is in early preclinical trials. Seems like it would target all family of Herpe’s virus’s. The latest news I have on this company is dated October, 1,1997: http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1997-10-01/business/1997274001_1_vaccine-herpes-infections-herpes-simplex-virus

Other’s worth mentioning:

Dr. CULLEN & Dr. BLOOM : They we’re working on a study with rabbits for HSV2 research, and were suppose to be finished in February 2011, but have yet to post any info, led by bloom. They are now seemingly working on HSV1. But have never released any findings on either. These people have been working either together or separately since 1999. Maybe more funding would help them or a partner, wonder what might be scaring partners away (if that is the case). This is the latest research I have on them dated January 12,2011: http://www.herpescureresearch.org/jan-12-2011.htm March 7, 2011 : http://www.herpescureresearch.org/mar-07-2011.htm

Dr. IAN FRAZIER : The founder of the HPV vaccine made Australian of the year for this work. Has a strong interest in HSV research. Will be head of a new research facility, the largest in Australia, He will have a lot of funds and people at his disposal, now whether or not he will utilize it for HSV research remains to be seen.

加油, 大家


今天特累, 我一会就睡了, 大家晚安


我是天天开心:  疱疹会引起并发症盆腔炎, 就是腹部和附件, 有时波及盆腔疼。  通常初发的第一, 二年这宗情况比较严重, 但是过了最初的两年, 症状就会慢慢好转。  你如果有盆腔炎, 就吃些这方面的消炎药, 那是炎症一定要去治理。  待疱疹的病毒没有那么大威力而导致复发减少时, 你的妇科病也就慢慢会好起来。  

女人有妇科病很正常。  这些并发症没什么的, 就像男人许多人有疱疹同时有前列腺炎症一样。  有病治病, 千万别想不开。  去寻死的人是懦夫, 没有人同情你。  再过几年就都好了, 你说你现在去寻死, 多不值得!!!!!!!!!!!

所以不要去想那些最不吉利的。 想想你以后有可能拥有的最好的东西。  多想正面的, 你就正面了!!!

女人多笑, 男人也会更爱, 大家都笑起来!!

想想办法, 多谢你的细心分析。  总之, 你是一个会解玲的人, 什么事情让你一说就会轻松点。  不管是一型二型, 我相信过不了几年就会被我杀入十八层地狱!!!!!!  疱疹, 去死吧!!!



