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迷迷糊糊的疱疹系列研究----先从感叹开始 [复制链接]






Up to 50 million or one out of six United States citizens, 14 to 49 years of age have genital herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) infection. Genital herpes increases one’s chances of acquiring HIV threefold.

As many as 90% of the United States population are impacted by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) oral/facial herpes commonly referred to as Cold Sores. Oral/facial herpes can and does lead to blindness and has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Amazingly, with a huge percentage of our population affected, there haven’t been any new pharmaceutical treatments for herpes, post Valtrex, which has been 30 years!

Peregrine Pharmaceuticals located in Tustin, California is testing their broad spectrum antiviral, Bavituximab, for a variety of conditions. Their research and testing is being largely funded by the United States Department of Defense – which I as US taxpayer support. Peregrine has gone on record stating that Bavituximab may be an excellent treatment or cure for the herpes simplex virus (source http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Data+Published+in+Nature+Medicine+Highlights+Ability+of+Peregrine...-a0189645865). However, they indicate they do not have funding to test this promising drug for herpes.

Bavituximab  是药名,coolen兄过去也提到过的。 现在美国国防部来资助,致力用于疱疹治疗和治愈的应用。 药其实已经出来了,就是还没有大规模的在人体中实验。



有没有回答你的问题啊? 真心悔过?

关于你的第一个问题,我记得我过去和你说过,当你一个大男人,事业比任何其他同邻人都有优势,你又有涵养,有学识,有才能,有品行,但你就有一个问题,就是这个疱疹,我认为绝对会有女孩子选择你。 疱疹与金钱事业比起来,它什么都不是。 世界越来越现实,有实力就有爱情。 没有办法,就是这么庸俗啊!!

所以我要信仰上帝,在那里我找到了自己的净土,心灵上得到莫大的安慰,还有找回了人性中最本质正面的东西。 真诚,善良,美好,正义,这些正是我们现在社会上所缺乏的。

有些朋友问我在哪个教堂做礼拜的。 我们是这样的,最一开始我们是在建外soho的一个小教堂。 民间设的。 后来越来越多的年轻人都聚集过去了,他们总是唱歌,好像与我们这一代的人有代沟,所以我通过朋友认识了从美国回来的牧师,他把我带到了一个小团体,这个小团体都是我这个年龄的,而且告诉你们个秘密还有两个大电影明星也是我们的姐妹, 二十多个人,我们花钱自己请的牧师,通常周日王府井教堂会有礼拜,但我没有时间去。 我们每个星期学一次,围绕圣经,学习,家庭伦理,世界大事,宗教信仰,当然少不了圣经。

是精神层次的一个提升。 我真的有所得着!

希望你找到你的 哈罗利亚



你们看 coolen 过去的贴,他过去就提到过这个药,现在这个药终于得到 美国 国防部 的资助。



世界都在关注疱疹,你们看 美国哈佛医学院出了疱疹在非洲的研究报告  



Genital herpes more virulent in Africa than in US

April 16, 2011 − Published by Harvard Medical School

BOSTON, Mass. (April 15, 2011) — Strains of genital herpes in Africa are far more virulent than those in the United States, researchers at Harvard Medical School report, a striking insight into a common disease with important implications for preventing HIV transmission in a region staggered by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The researchers arrived at this finding by testing mouse model strains of the disease against vaccine candidates.

All vaccines were far more efficacious in abating the U.S. strain.
The researchers say identification of the properties of the African viruses would open the door to developing a more potent vaccine against an infection now rampant in sub-Saharan Africa. This is important, they say, because genital herpes patients are more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection, as the open sores symptomatic of herpes contain a high concentration of immune cells that are targeted by HIV.
The challenge lies in formulating either a single vaccine that protects against both types of strains of the genital herpes virus or two different vaccines. The vaccine farthest along in development—it is headed for clinical trials in about a year—works best against the U.S. isolates of herpes simplex 2, but it also protects laboratory animals from the African viral strains if given in five-fold-higher doses.
This research, which appears online on April 15 in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, is led by David M. Knipe, the Higgins Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and vice chair of that department at Harvard Medical School, and Clyde Crumpacker, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a physician in division of infectious disease at Beth Israel Deaconnes Medical Center. Their collaborators are former Knipe lab members Timothy E. Dudek, currently of the Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, and Ernesto Torres-Lopez, now of the Universidad Autonoma in Monterrey, Mexico.
Live-virus vaccine
In southern Africa, infection rates among adults for genital herpes are exceedingly high— from 80 percent to 90 percent in some groups compared to slightly less than 20 percent in the United States.
In evolutionary terms, the herpes viruses are very old. They have honed their talents to become efficient parasites in humans, often persisting for decades while causing limited or no disease symptoms—although they can be deadly in immunocompromised persons and in newborns.
The herpes virus that causes ordinary cold sores, herpes simplex 1, is present in about 70 percent of the U.S. population. These stealthy viruses hide in nerve cells but can emerge over and over again, prompting repeated cold sore outbreaks.
Despite decades of research, there is no commercially available vaccine for herpes. But Knipe says their prototype vaccines are being tested in animals, and one such vaccine has been licensed to the French pharmaceutical firm Sanofi Pasteur.
According to Knipe, animal tests demonstrate clearly that the strains of herpes virus seen in sub-Saharan Africa are more virulent than the herpes simplex 2 virus strains seen in the United States. That difference suggests that an effective vaccine will probably have to be given to people in Africa in larger or more frequent doses. So far, says Knipe, results of animal tests are heartening.
Part of the promise in this work lies in the strong chance that a vaccine against herpes simplex 2 can help reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa. Epidemiological studies have shown that genital herpes infection is associated with a three-fold increase in the risk of HIV infection.
"If the rate of herpes infection can be reduced, it's conceivable the rate of HIV/AIDS infection will also come down, perhaps reducing the death rate," says Knipe.
Knipe's approach to vaccine development is based on using abnormal, live, mutant viruses to stimulate protective immune responses. These disabled viruses cannot multiply inside cells or cause symptomatic disease, but they do contain enough of the right proteins and molecules needed to arouse detection by a healthy immune system. Knipe's strategy is to trigger a strong immune response without causing disease.
"The candidate vaccine, ACAM529, is under development by Sanofi Pasteur, and under the current plan will enter phase I clinical testing in 2012," said Jim Tartaglia, a company respresentative. Phase I testing involves giving vaccine to a few human volunteers and watching for signs of toxicity. Trials for efficacy come later.
Although it has been difficult to create a vaccine for genital herpes, vaccines against a closely related herpes virus—varicella zoster virus, the cause of chicken pox and shingles—proved successful and are now widely used. This gives reason for optimism about a genital herpes vaccine.
The researchers do caution that, previously, two well-executed trials of Acyclovir, an effective, safe, antiviral drug for herpes, did decease the occurrence of genital herpes infections but failed to prevent transmission of HIV-1 in African study participants.
Last edited by wwdamron; Yesterday at 05:21 PM.


这是美国老美战友的回复。 坚信2013年前,疱疹的治疗将有划时代的进步。 这一段不难你们看看人家老美病友的乐观态度。


it's picking up steam; 5 years ago or longer you would have really seen slowness. Big developments are coming in the near future, the awareness and the outcry are much bigger now than they we're in the early 2000's, its kind of like a repeat of the early 80's when time magazine released its article within a couple of years valtrex was released. So something big is going to happen, I can just feel it before the end of this year, maybe not a new drug being released, but a major breakthrough for possibly a new drug being released that is better than valtrex or famcyclovir will be by 2013.










多谢楼上的战友,迷糊心里领了, 就不一一致谢了。

这不关於对付病毒的消息接踵而至。 这一年和明年不知怎么了,病毒看来是要完蛋了。 昨天美国新的艾滋病药物正式推出。  通过了临床,获得美国药监局通过,正式上市。 三期临床试验用了三年时间, 2008年开始的, 整三年。 所以我们的疱疹的试验如果只是在临床一期二期的,还要等个三年五年的起码。 但是你们看,正向我早前预估和猜测的那样,许多大药厂都在偷偷研究和秘密行动,他们不公布进程和实验结果,怕的是竞争对手窃取机密。 这个判断是没有错的。 所以可能有些药厂已经进行三期试验或者申请药监局批示阶段,只是我们不知道吧。 但愿如此。 看下文。 这些大药厂都在进攻疱疹呢。


A new HIV drug, Edurant, was approved today. It entered Phase 3 trials in 2008--so three years until the FDA finally approved it. That's kind of a bummer--especially since AIDS activists are way more vocal about demanding consideration

look at the other researchers like Agenus, Sanofi, Vical, Chimerix and don;t forget about Glaxo & Merk & Pfizer I can almost certainly bet one of those last three are working on something secretly.