西班牙研制成功疱疹治愈药!!!! 又是一个好消息!!
Barcelona scientists have discovered the herpes cure! Its called Raltegravir and it cancels the essential protein for herpes replication. Its basically herpes penicillin. They are now validating the discovery. Stay tuned for the death of herpes!
药名 reltegravir. 是治愈药!
Drug Against AIDS Could Be Effective Against Herpesvirus
ScienceDaily (Sep. 24, 2010) — Scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) headed by the coordinator of the Structural and Computational Biology Programme, Miquel Coll, have published a new study that demonstrates that raltegravir, the drug approved in 2007 for the treatment of AIDS that is sold by Merck under the name Isentress, cancels the function of an essential protein for the replication of one kind of herpes virus. This study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (PNAS), is the first step towards the development of a drug against the entire herpesvirus family.
See Also:
Health & Medicine
Plants & Animals
•Cell Biology
•Epstein-Barr virus
•Transmission (medicine)
•Antiviral drug
"These results have a clear medical impact for three reasons," explains Miquel Coll, also a CSIC research professor. "First, humans do not have the viral protein that is affected, thus this would allow a highly specific drug that does not show the secondary effects that other drugs may have. Second, the inhibitor is not toxic for humans when administered at therapeutic concentrations because it is already on the market and thus toxicity tests are facilitated; and third, we have data that indicate that all herpes viruses have this protein. Therefore, it could be a valid target against all Herpesviridae."
Herpesviruses include pathogens such as herpes simplex 1 and 2, the virus that causes chickenpox otherwise known as zoster virus, the Epstein-Barr virus -associated with several types of cancer -, the roseola virus, the cytomegalovirus and the herpes virus associated with Kaposi sarcoma -in AIDS patients -. The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), on which the study was performed, causes neurological defects in 1% of neonates in developed countries. It also produces retinitis that deteriorates into blindness in 25% of subjects with AIDS, defects in the brains and central nervous systems of young adults, inflammation of the colon -also in those with AIDS -, mononucleosis and serious diseases of the throat. Although 90% of adults carry HCMV, this virus is opportunistic, acting in people with weakened immune systems such as in cancer and AIDS patients, recipients of organ transplants and neonates.
Blocking viral replication
To replicate, the herpes virus enters the nucleus of a cell where it uses the cell machinery to copy its DNA several times into a single large chain. Once this copy has been made, acts a complex called terminase, formed by three protein subunits. The terminase cuts the new DNA into small fragments, the size of a single viral genome, and introduces these into empty shells (capsids) that have developed in the cell nucleus. Then, the new viruses leave the cell to continue infection. The researchers resolved the 3D structure of one part of the terminase and when they observed that it resembled the integrase of the AIDS virus, for which drugs are available, they tested it against the herpes virus protein. Thus they discovered that raltegravir acts on the subunit UL89 of the terminase and cancels the scissor function, which is required for viral replication.
The assays were performed directly on the protein in test tubes. "Now we must do the assays on whole infected cells, improve the effect of the drug and validate that it is also effective for other kinds of herpes viruses," explains Miquel Coll, whose lab has patented this second application for raltegravir. To resolve the 3D structure of the target protein, the scientists have used a state-of-the-art high-performance protein expression technique, with the collaboration with Darren Hart's group at EMBL in Grenoble, where 18,000 clones or different fragments of the protein have been tested. They have also used the Grenoble synchrotron to obtain the structural data. The study has lasted five years and forms part of the European project SPINE-2 complexes.
此药是杀病毒药, 是致力于治愈疱疹, 应该是快进入市场了。
值得与大家分享的是 也是我想强调的一些症状, 希望以后我们的朋友引起注意, 并记住这些, 不要再遇到这些问题迷惘或问东问西啦。 我觉得我们这里的有些朋友挺懒的, 什么都想得到县城的答案, 其实自己深入多看看文章, 你们想要问的问题这个网站, 特别是有经验的战友的楼里都有了, 可这些新朋友还是想图省事。 疱疹是不能省事的, 想和疱疹斗省事的态度可不行啊。
严重的疱疹会引起脑膜炎和眼盲, 这是最最严重的后果, 但几率并不大。
疱疹会直接引起大肠紊乱!! 这在这篇文章里面提到了
疱疹不会引起艾滋病。 看到有些朋友还在提到这个问题, 我觉得虽然乏味, 但还是出于帮助之心, 再次强掉 (除非您在复发时和癌症病人做爱, 你的伤口直接接触艾滋病人)
在复发时不会影响生育!!!!!!!!!!!!! (初发怀孕期最好要咨询医生,复发是没有事情的)
你说的按摩仪器问题我不是太了解。 许多机器有什么这屏普那屏普的, 红外线这那的, 我个人觉得应是没有问题的。 性病范围大了, 有没有直接说疱疹, 我真的无法回答你的问题。 谢谢
我的回答是我不想为任何药厂做任何宣传。 我觉得北京屈臣氏, 大的药店都有现在进口的这方面的药。 我吃的是我在美国买的 20多美金一瓶的大药片。 经济型的。 挺好的。 所有的美国健康补品商店, 药店都有的卖。 澳洲, 香港, 澳门, 新加坡都很容易买。 台湾也有。 深圳我出差也看到过。
迷糊这两天都还好吧。 基本症状没有, 但下体的蚂蚁爬感觉还是时不时的出现, 我已经习惯, 就把这个蚂蚁爬当成是我身体的一部分吧, 没有办法的办法。
这两天因为工作上的事情烦得很, 现在骗子真多啊, 各种面具的, 大骗小骗, 国企也骗, 老总都骗, 没有办法, 被骗子牵着走, 这个世界公理何在。 做生意就是这样了, 有时真把他妈的也想变成骗子, 可是自己过不了自己的那一关。 这会被骗的够呛。 自己都不知怎么办, 气死了。 祈祷吧!!!