战友们好, 迷糊在国外很遥远的地方,没有忘记大家,今天抽空把好消息告诉你们 美国总统奥巴马亲自回信给战友关于关注疱疹的事情。 什么是人权和民主这就是啦,当一个普通的人可以给总统写信并可以得到回信,这个社会。。。。 今天不方便,回去再和大家探讨。 坚持住。 学会坚强,迷糊每天都不太舒服,但都坚持着, 的下限了,很不方便,还是回去再谈。
Dear ******,
Thank you for writing. I have heard from many Americans whose lives have been affected by a wide range of health conditions and diseases. Whether they are common,
preventable ailments or rare, life-threatening illnesses, we must do more to find cures and improve treatments for patients.
I have always been a strong supporter of medical research that saves lives, relieves suffering, and improves the quality of life for those afflicted. Medical miracles do not happen by accident. Thin ey often result from painstaking and costly research, as well as years of trial and error. From the sequencing, of the human genome to life-saving vaccines and pioneering cancer treatment, Federally funded research has led to scientific progress and improved health care for countless Americans.
My administration has already begun the work of advancing medical research. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act made $8.2 billion avaliable to the National Institutes on Health for scientfic research grants. This mony will help fund an array of resarch projects in labs and hospitals across the country. I also lifted the ban on Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, which has the unique potential to help us better understand - and possibly cure - some of the most devastating diseases and conditions. To explore the steps my Administration is taking, please visit:
www.nih.gov or
www.cancer.gov.This work is essential not only for our health and well-being, but also for the progress of all humanity. Together, we can ensure America contiinues to lead the world in medical research and scientific discovery. Thank you, again, for writing.
Barack Obama