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想帮助这里所有的人--一个四十岁妻子受害人 [复制链接]





今天是例假后复发的第四五天吧,  基本症状没有什么了, 但是肛门和外阴的感觉还是怪怪的, 像有虫子爬, 有时又像有个东西夹着, 那个感觉好怪。  偶尔四肢游走性神经震几下, 左下腹有点胀气, 其他症状基本没有。  距离今年四月已经九个月了, 但好像没有完全消失过症状。  即使好了, 也是微微地感到有点不对经的地方。  今天我一会再去国外的网上看下案例。  与大家过后分享。  后天就要过圣诞去了, 几天不会见大家了, 也希望大家过得都开心。  圣诞节是个很重要的节日, 是耶稣诞生的日子, 我们信仰上帝的一定要好好庆祝啊, 主会看到的, 他也会拣选爱他的人。  阿门!!!


我把美国伊利诺伊州的政府健康部门权威网站文章翻译给大家, 希望能对你们有所帮助:  

Genital herpes is a contagious viral infection that affects an estimated 45 million Americans (more than one in five). Each year, as many as 1 million new cases are believed to occur.

这段告诉我们美国有五人中就有一人有疱疹。  每一年有100万人患此病, 既是新病人。  

The infection is usually acquired by sexual contact with someone who has genital herpes. People with oral herpes can transmit the infection to the genital area of a partner during oral-genital sex. Herpes infections also can be transmitted by a person who is infected with HSV but has no noticeable symptoms. Such asymptomatic shedding of the virus may be fairly common, occurring from 5 percent to 20 percent of the time in infected individuals.

这段说的是一个人带有疱疹病毒, 但没有症状的, 有5%-20%的时间他会在无症状下传染给伴侣

Symptoms of a primary episode of genital herpes vary widely from person to person. They usually occur within two to 10 days of exposure and typically involve small red bumps that may develop into blisters and open lesions. These “bumps” appear at the site of infection, which may be in or around the vaginal area, the cervix, the penis, urinary tract of both men and women, and around the anal opening, buttocks or thighs. Sores also may appear on other parts of the body where broken skin has come into contact with HSV. Over a period of days, the sores become encrusted and then heal without scarring.

Other symptoms of a primary episode of genital herpes may include fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen glands in the groin area, painful urination or vaginal discharge.

这两段主要说的是每个人症状极不一样, 绝没有统一的标准。  每人反映都不同。  但基本反映是 发烧, 头痛, 肌肉酸痛  淋巴肿大, 尿痛,, 还有白带分泌多!当然包括很疼和很痒, 还有火烧状。

After invading the skin or mucous membranes, the virus that causes genital herpes travels to the sensory nerves at the end of the spinal cord. Even after the skin lesions have disappeared, the virus remains inside the nerve cells in a latent state. In most people, the virus reactivates from time to time. When this happens, the virus travels along the nerves to the skin, where it multiplies on the surface at or near the site of the original herpes sores, causing new lesions to erupt. It also can reactivate without any visible sores. At these times, small amounts of the virus may be shed at, or near, sites of the original infection, in genital or oral secretions, or from inapparent lesions. This shedding is infrequent, but it is sufficient to infect a sex partner.

通常疱疹在皮肤, 和粘膜皮肤部位发病。  就是初次性接触的受感染部位周围。  但是有时也会到其他的皮肤地方 这是因为这些皮肤可能有破损, 而你用你的(估计脏手) 碰到了那破损的皮肤而受到了感染。  不是复发都有水泡, 有的人没有水泡, 那是因为病毒的数量不够所以没产生水泡。  (看来没水泡的比有水泡的好, 说明我们的毒还没那么多)

这段也印证了为何我每次复发有时嗓子像有东西塞住了一样, 咽炎一样。  现在看来疱疹也喜欢潮湿的粘膜组织建造基地。  一点不奇怪了, 这就是为什么我每次鼻子, 眼睛, 耳朵痒, 肠子也不舒服, 这些都是粘膜组织集中地啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!我们的阴道, 龟头都是粘膜地带, 所以同志们你们明白了吧!!!

The symptoms of recurrent episodes are usually milder than those of the first episode and typically last about a week. A recurrent outbreak may be signaled by a tingling sensation or itching in the genital area or pain in the buttocks or down the leg. These are called prodromal symptoms and, for some people, they can be the most painful and annoying part of a recurrent episode. Sometimes no visible sores develop. At other times, blisters appear that may be very small and barely noticeable or may break into open sores that crust over and then disappear. The frequency and severity of the recurrent episodes vary greatly. While some people recognize only one or two recurrences in a lifetime, others may experience several outbreaks a year. The number and pattern of recurrences often change over time for an individual. Scientists do not know what causes the virus to reactivate. Although some people with herpes report that their recurrences are brought on by other illness, stress exposure to sunlight or menstruation, recurrences often are not predictable.

这段说的非常重要。  看到了吧!!  科学家不知是什么能够引起疱疹复发!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 许多人都说疾病, 压力, 阳光, 例假, 引起疱疹, 但是绝对疱疹的复发是根本无法预测和防范的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

这段还说了, 疱疹今后的复发比第一次通常较轻。  但绝对没有说随着时间长而症状减弱或消失!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

而且还说了每个人复发的时间和周期, 症状会时常变化。 (言外之意, 现在不复发不代表以后不复发一月一次。  现在每个月复发不代表以后可能几年复发一次)  

有的人复发有时有水泡, 有时没有, 有时小的你的 肉眼可能看不到, 但不代表你没有水泡。  或你可能没水泡, 但你是病毒活跃期, 照样传染你的伴侣。  

The sores of genital herpes in its active stage are usually visible to the naked eye. Several laboratory tests may be needed, however, to distinguish herpes sores from other infections. The most accurate method of diagnosis is by viral culture. A blood test can detect antibodies to the virus, which indicate that the person has at some time been infected with HSV, but it cannot determine whether a person has an active genital herpes infection. During an active herpes episode, whether primary or recurrent, it is important to follow a few simple steps to speed healing and to avoid spreading the infection to other sites of the body or to other people:

这段说的主要是血检只是参考, 不代表你就是疱疹病人。  最可靠的是泡夜培养!!!!

Oral acyclovir markedly shortens the course of a first episode and limits the severity of recurrences if taken within 24 hours of onset of symptoms. People who have very frequent episodes of the disease can take oral acyclovir daily for up to one year to suppress the virus’ activity and prevent most recurrences. Acyclovir does not cure herpes, but it interferes with the virus’ ability to reproduce itself. Other new drugs – famciclovir and valacyclovir – now on the market work in a similar manner.

这段说的是通常如果你第一次发作疱疹,, 立即吃阿昔洛韦有效。  但以后复发再吃, 只起到缩短病期的作用。  而且复发吃在复发第一天吃有效, 24小时以后吃效果不大了吧!!!!

Does genital herpes cause any complications?
Genital herpes infections do not cause permanent disability or long-term damage in healthy adults. However, in people who have suppressed immune systems, HSV episodes can be long-lasting and unusually severe. Regardless of severity of symptoms, genital herpes frequently causes psychological distress in people who know they are infected.

这段太重要了, 也是我最关心的。  就是疱疹绝对不会引起严重并发症。  , 永久损伤, 长期健康的威胁等。  但免疫功能有问题者就不一样了。  可能会严重, 向我们这些免疫功能正常的人我觉得可以放心了。  但我就不明白何谓免疫功能不全或障碍者??  如何定义呢?  是艾滋病人吗?  

A pregnant woman who develops a primary episode of genital herpes can pass the virus to her fetus and may be at higher risk for spontaneous abortion and premature delivery. If a woman has active genital herpes at delivery, a cesarean delivery is usually performed. Half of fetuses/infants who acquire herpes in this manner either die or suffer neurologic damage. Early detection and therapy can lessen many serious complications.

这段就是给准妈妈的了, 如怀孕时是初次出疱疹, 那这个孩子不能要了。  但如果是复发绝对没问题。  只是生的时候如果复发要剖腹产!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Genital herpes, like other genital ulcer diseases, increases the risk of acquiring HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, by providing an accessible point of entry for HIV. Persons with HIV can have severe herpes outbreaks, and this may help facilitate transmission of both herpes and HIV infections to other persons.

男人们!!!!!!!! 老公们, 你们注意啦!!!!!!!  得了疱疹的人再出去乱搞, 那你们如果碰上个艾滋携带者, 那你们肯定容易中招。  所以男人们你们要洁身自爱啊!!!  为了你们的老婆和心爱的人, 你们可不要搞搞震啊!!!!!!  老公啊, 你看到我写得这个了吗?????????????????

Can genital herpes be prevented?
Not having sex is the best protection against herpes and other STDs. Having sex with only one uninfected partner who has sex with you is also safe.

Latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, can reduce the risk of genital herpes and other STDs, but only when the infected areas are covered or protected by the condom. Herpes lesions may occur in areas that can be covered or protected by a condom, but they also may occur in areas that cannot be covered or protected by a condom.

这段写的是有点滑稽。  就是要不想得疱疹就不要做爱!!! 哈哈哈, 不可能啊!!  但说了, 避孕套有用, 但作用不大。  

Illinois Department of Public Health
HIV/STD Hotline 800-243-2437 (TTY 800-782-0423)

这是可联系的州政府健康部门电话, 同志们, 会说英语的可直接打长途咨询啊!!!!!!!!

希望我迷糊姐今天花的时间没有白花, 能够帮助到迷惑的人。  上帝啊啊, 请你帮帮我们, 你的圣诞日就要到了, 希望你生日的这一天你能来拯救我们啊!!!


我翻译的时候捡要点翻的, 我忘说了一点, 那就是这篇文章强调得了疱疹的人有巨大心里障碍和负担。  不管怎么说, 得了疱疹虽然难受, 但我今天想要告诉大家的是, 我们绝对死不了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我们是很顽强地能够活下去的!!!!!!!!!!!!最最关键的是, 不会造成永久伤害, 各个器官, 那就行了。  同志们还要什么呢??? 放下包袱, 好好活吧。  既然连科学家都不知道是什么引起疱疹复发, 没有任何一个人知道, 那我们就应该该吃就吃, 该爱就爱, 该生就生!!!!!!  生名短暂, 我们要懂得珍惜机会啊。  圣诞前献给大家这份圣诞礼物, 希望你们喜欢!!!!!!!!!!迷糊姐

有人问我为何我叫迷糊, 其实我生活中有点大大咧咧, 你想想得了13年还迷迷糊糊的, 到今年四月恶化了, 才确诊, 是否迷糊呢?  而且认识老公也迷糊, 当初看中了他是一只潜力股, 没有想到结了婚, 我被潜规则了, 得了这病, 不是自己迷糊认识人还是什么。  好在他是个好男人, 起码负责任, 又是个能挣面包给我们花的人, 算了, 他花就花吧。  别得艾滋啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!老公, 看看我的帖子啊!!!!!!!!!!!!

回复: 想帮助这里所有的人--一个四十岁妻子受害人

迷糊姐 我问了几个知名的医生 他们都说有2型的口唇疱疹 也就是说 底下的也可以传染到上面 但是发病率约为20% 我老公嘴上起的小包 可能就是我传给他的了 不知道 你在美国那边 那里的医生是否承认有2型的口唇疱疹的存在呢  
我想我已经有2型的抗体了 如果在老公嘴上有破口的时候亲吻他 我的嘴上会不会也被传上呢 (我到不怕他在传给我 因为毕竟他的就是我传的:(  可是他下面好像没什么事 ) 我只是想知道会不会有这种可能  谢谢您

回复: 想帮助这里所有的人--一个四十岁妻子受害人

原帖由 最不公正的安排 于 2010/12/24 14:58:00 发表


回复: 想帮助这里所有的人--一个四十岁妻子受害人

原帖由 迷迷糊糊 于 2010/12/18 22:29:00 发表

非常理解你的感受, 脱离了苦海:( 又掉进了虎口, 但我们女人就是这样, 受感情支配, 有时不够理智。  既然发生了, 没有其他选择, 只好听从上帝的旨意, 也许我们上辈受到了什么诅咒, 要让我们这辈......



对不起朋友们, 迷糊姐圣诞在国外度假, 要一段时间才能回来。  挺像你们, 回来马上见你们。  看看这次在国外是否遇到个好医生给我不能解答的答案。  不过医生也都放假了。  圣诞快乐。




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