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Advanced Functional Materials:新型凝胶避孕套可有效阻隔艾滋... [复制链接]



犹他大学生物工程助理教授Patrick Kiser说,这种凝胶起作用的方式类似于安全套。女性可以在性交前使用它,而阴道的酸性环境将确保它保持液态,这让它可以覆盖阴道壁,因此也就覆盖了容易感染艾滋病病毒的细胞。




“我们证明了这种凝胶阻止了艾滋病病毒的运动。”Kiser告诉本网站说。然而,他还指出,这种凝胶捕捉艾滋病病毒的能力仅仅在实验室中证明了 ,而临床试验至少还需要3年。


南非艾滋病研究项目中心(CAPRISA)主任Salim Karim说,他喜欢这种对pH值做出响应的“灵巧”材料的主意。





Advanced Functional Materials Published Online: 10 Aug 2009

Modulation of Viscoelasticity and HIV Transport as a Function of pH in a Reversibly Crosslinked Hydrogel

Julie I. Jay 1, Shetha Shukair 3, Kristofer Langheinrich 2, Melissa C. Hanson 2, Gianguido C. Cianci 3, Todd J. Johnson 2, Meredith R. Clark 2, Thomas J. Hope 3, Patrick F. Kiser 1 2 *

1Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5820 (USA)
2Department of Bioengineering University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5820 (USA)
3Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University Chicago, IL 60611 (USA)

Materials that respond to physiological stimuli are important in developing advanced biomaterials for modern therapies. The reversibility of covalent crosslinks formed by phenylboronate (PBA) and salicylhydroxamate (SHA) has been exploited to provide a pH-responsive gel for application to the vaginal tract. Dynamic rheology reveals that the gel frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties are modulated by pH. At pH 4.8 the viscous component dominates throughout most of the frequency range. As the pH increases, the characteristic relaxation time continues to increase while the GPlateau levels off above pH 6. At pH 7.5, the elastic component dominates throughout the frequency sweep and is predominately independent of frequency. Particle tracking assesses the transport of both fluorescently labeled HIV-1 and 100-nm latex particles in the PBA-SHA crosslinked gel as a function of pH. At pH 4.8 the ensemble-averaged mean squared displacement at lag times greater than three seconds reveals that transport of the HIV-1 and 100-nm particles becomes significantly impeded by the matrix, exhibiting diffusion coefficients less than 0.0002 μm2 s-1. This pH-responsive gel thus displays properties that have the potential to significantly reduce the transport of HIV-1 to susceptible tissues and thus prevent the first stage of male-to-female transmission of HIV-1.
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