I buy AXLW *Ren ming bi 200* > Malaysia de. Made in Australia . Eat 5 days. 1 days 5 times , 200mg.
China AXLW *Ren ming bi 30* ????? So cheap?
Here, Why some people eat AXLW so long also cannot "Hao"? I ask DOCTOR from MALAYSIA, they say more expensive AXLW more good. So, i scare some place sell " JIA AXLW " !! so, check the AXLW first, see it is ORIGINAL AXLW or "Jia AXLW"
So.. when you buy AXLW, go big shop buy, don't go small shop buy. or BIG shopping centre like WATSONS or Guardian <International> de shop. Dunno China got or not... if got can go ask the doctor there.. ^^ Im Malaysia CHINESE.