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Try not to worry: worrying is known to affect the immune system and lower our ability to fight infections. The more you know about simplex, the less concerned you will be and since your immune system works best when you are not stressed, by worrying less you will be healthier. (Stress can also be a trigger factor for many other skin conditions, e.g. eczema, psoriasis.) 不要焦虑:焦虑往往影响免疫系统,降低抗感染的能力。你了解HSV越多,你就会越释怀,因为你的免疫系统在你心情放松的情况下最强大,少忧虑你就会更健康。(压力也是触发其他多种皮肤疾病的直接因素,如湿疹,牛皮癣等。)

Get enough sleep and avoid getting overtired. Have an early night every week and pamper yourself a little. 保持足够睡眠,避免过渡疲劳。每周早睡,不要太苛求自己。

Eat a well balanced, healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables every day. 饮食均衡、健康,每天吃足够的水果和蔬菜。

If in doubt about your diet, take a multivitamin and mineral pill. 如果怀疑自己的饮食营养不够均衡,可服用多种维生素片和矿物质片。

Taking 200 i.u. of vitamin E every day has been shown to boost the immune response. 经证实,每天服用200i.u的维生素E,可增进免疫响应。(i.u.=international unit 国际单位,是表示抗生素效价和维生素活性的一种单位。注射用青霉素G含量说明上80万单位即80万国际单位)
Cut down on smoking and excessive alcohol. 减少吸烟和过量饮酒。

Take regular exercise: 20 minutes brisk walk each day is a good start. 有规律地进行锻炼:可以从每天20分钟快速走开始。

Try taking one soluble aspirin each day with food: this has been reported effective by many people. It is not suitable if your stomach is delicate, for children, or if you have been told not to by a doctor. 每天服用一片可溶性阿司匹林,同食物一起送下:很多人都说此法很有效。但此法不适合有胃部不适者,儿童,或遵医嘱不适宜的人群。

If the skin gets sore, this may trigger a recurrence. This may be the result of horse riding, bike riding or wearing tight trousers or underwear e.g. thongs. 如果皮肤有痛感,可能会是复发的前兆。这可能是由骑马、骑车或穿紧身裤、紧身内裤引起的。

        英国权威机构治疗建议Sometimes having sex will trigger an outbreak. If this happens, use extra lubrication (KY) during sex and cool the area after sex with cold water or a cool damp flannel. 有时同房会引起复发。如果复发了,在同房过程中要使用更多润滑剂,房事后用冷水或浸冷水的绒布冷敷患处。

Wear loose fitting cotton or silk underpants rather than those made with synthetic material. 穿宽松舒适的纯棉或真丝底裤,而不要穿人造材料制作的。

Women: try stockings or bare legs rather than tights. 对于女士来说,穿长统袜或光腿,而不要穿连裤紧身袜。

Avoid direct sunlight or ultraviolet rays from sunbeds on the site of infection, i.e. no nude sunbathing! If you have cold sores (facial herpes simplex), use a sunblock to protect your skin. 感染期间,避免阳光直射或大量紫外线照射,如不要进行裸体日光浴!如果你患有唇疱疹,涂防晒霜来保护皮肤。

Generally we find that indifference to your herpes simplex is the most effective treatment and the less you think about it the less you see of it. 总而言之,我们认为不要理会疱疹的才是最有效的治疗手段,你越不理它,它越不来烦你。
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