1 T1:AntiviraI activity of a sulphated polysaccharide from the red seaweed Nothogenia fastigiata.AU;Damonte E,Neyts J,Pujol CA,Snoeck R,Andrei G,Ikeda S,Witvrouw M,ReymenD,Haines H,Matulewicz MC,日 al
5 AD:Departamento de Quimica Biologica,Facuhad de Ciencias Exactasy Naturales,Universidad
de Buenos Aiten,Argentina.
S0:Biochem Pharrnacol,1994 Jun l5;47(12):p2187--2192
该文报道了从红海藻Nothogenia fastigiata中提取出的硫酸多糖具有抗病毒的活性。它可以抑制单纯疱疹病毒l型的复制,Ⅱ-g)b,还对多种包膜病毒如:疱疹病毒2型、巨细胞病毒、呼吸道多核病毒、流感A、B型病毒、Junin病毒、塔卡里伯病毒、猴免疫缺陷病毒有效,有效成分F6对HIV-1、2也有效。
2 T1:Cun'ent Mad natural products for the chemotherapy of human immunodeficiency virus
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AD:Rega Institute for Medical Research,Katholieke Universiteit
l.euven,B日gium.S0:Med Res Rev,2000 Sep;20(5)p323--349
3.Tl:Inhibitory action of natural carrageenans on Herpes simplex vii'uS infection of nlouse astr0-
AU:Carlucci MJ,Scolaro LA,Damonte EB
AD:Laboratorio de Virologia,Departamento de Quimica Biologica,Facuhad de Ciancias Exac-
tasy Naturales,Universidad de Buenos Aires,Argentina
S0:Chemotherapy,1999 Nov-Dec;45(6):p429--436
4.Tl:Antiviral activities against HSV一1,HCMV,and HIV一10f rhamnan sulfate from Monostr0- ma latissimum. AU:Lee JB,Hayashi K,Hayashi T,Sankawa U,Maeda MS0:Planta Med,1999 Jun;65(5):p439~441
该文报道,从Monostroma latissimum中提取出的硫酸多糖在体外具有抑制单纯疱疹病毒1型、巨细胞病毒、HIV-1的作用。
5.Tl:Antiherp日ic and anticoagulant properties of carrageenans from the red seaweed Gigartinaskottshergii and their eyclized derivatives:corr日ation b日ween structure and biological ac.tivity.
AU:Carlucci MJ,Pujol CA,Ciancia M,Noseda MD,Matulewiez MC,Damonte EB。Carez0
S0:Int J Biol Macromol,1997 Apr;20(2):p97~105
6.Tl:D日ermination of the antiviral activity of a naturally occurring sulfated xvlomannan undcrVariOUS experimental conditions.
AU:Pujol CA,Coto CE,Damonte EB
S0:Rev Argent Microbiol,1995 Apr-Jun;27(2):p91~98
7.Tl:D日ermination of the antiviral activity of a naturally occurring sulfated xvlomannan under
various experimental conditions.
AU:Pujol CA,Coto CE,Damonte EB
S0:Rev Argent Microbiol l995 Apr-Jun;27(2):p91~98