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疱疹病毒感染的新观点 [复制链接]



FIGURE 1. Macrophages are activated during HV68 latency.

a–f, Peritoneal macrophages from mock (a, c, e) or latently infected (b, d, f) mice. a, b, Wright's Giemsa stain. Scale bar, 25  m. c, d, Surface class II MHC levels on F4/80+ peritoneal macrophages (arrow) in mock-infected mice (57   14 (mean fluorescence intensity s.e.m.); n  =  23) compared with latently infected mice (1,363   144; n  =  18). e, f, Ex vivo bactericidal activity of peritoneal macrophages at the indicated times. P values, calculated using the Mann–Whitney rank sum test, compare latently infected and mock-infected mice at the same time points. Data are representative of two to five independent experiments. c.f.u, colony-forming units. Horizontal bars indicate the arithmetic mean of log-transformed data.


Nature  Volume 447 Number 7142

Herpesvirus latency confers symbiotic protection from bacterial infection p326
Erik S. Barton, Douglas W. White, Jason S. Cathelyn, Kelly A. Brett-McClellan, Michael Engle, Michael S. Diamond, Virginia L. Miller & Herbert W. Virgin, IV

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