Swab testBlood test
泡液组织检查 先进的验血检查
When would you have this test?
| While you have symptoms that might be due to herpes, for example blisters or sores on the genitals or lips, repeated genital rash or itch, pain on passing urine. The best time for the test is less than 3 days after the symptoms have started.
当你发生可能有疱疹引起的症状,例如生殖器或嘴唇起水疱,疼痛,生殖器上出现或皮疹,或痒或在小便时感到痛。 在出现症状的3天内进行检查是最好的时机。
| If you have some risk of contact with the herpes virus and you want to know if you’ve been infected. For example, if your partner has genital herpes and you’ve never experienced any signs of it. If you have symptoms of genital herpes but swab tests have always been negative.
如果你有感染病毒的可能性,同时你想知道自己是否被感染, 例如,如果你的性伴侣有PZ,不过在你身上一直未曾发作过,又或者你出现症状,不过泡液检查为阴性的话,你就有需要进行一次 HSV 验血
What does a positive result mean?
| A positive result confirms that you have herpes. The test confirms which part of your body is affected. If the swab was taken from your lips, you have a cold sore, if it was from your genitals, then it’s genital herpes. A positive result from an area without a visible sore confirms that you were shedding the herpes virus from that area at that time. This is called asymptomatic shedding, and is the commonest way of passing on the herpes virus.
阳性的检查结果代表已经感染HSV,在什么地方取得的组织,什么地方就已经感染。如果组织来自于嘴唇,说明你有口唇疱疹,如果来自于生殖器,说明你有生殖器疱疹。 在没有症状的情况下进行组织检查,如果阳性结果的话,就代表病毒其时正在进行无症状排毒,这也是最普遍的传染方式
| A positive result confirms that the herpes virus (HSV-1 and/or HSV-2) is present in your body, and it can tell you whether it’s been there for a short time (weeks) or longer. Positive for HSV-1 only: usually means that the virus is present around the lips only, but in some cases it may be present around the genitals or even in both areas. Positive for HSV-2 only: usually (but not always) means the virus is present in the genital area.
阳性结果是确定HSV-I,或者2型存在于你的身体,或者两者皆有, 同时它可以让你知道你是最近感染的,还是很久以前感染的, 如果仅仅是 HSV-I 为阳,通常说明疱疹是在嘴角周围,也可能在生殖器上,或者两者皆有。 如果仅仅HSV-II 的检验结果为阳的话,一般说明出现生殖器疱疹,但不是绝对的
What does a negative result mean?
| A negative result means that the laboratory was unable to isolate the herpes virus from the lesion or area that was swabbed.
| A negative result for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 means that you’ve never been infected with the herpes virus and you don’t have cold sores or genital herpes.
如果 HSV-I 和 HSV-II 都为阴性结果,就说明你从未曾感染过HSV病毒,不会有口唇或生殖器疱疹
What can’t the test tell you?
| A negative result can’t prove that you don’t have herpes—only that the laboratory couldn’t find the virus. A negative result can’t rule out asymptomatic shedding. It only means that there was no sign of shedding from that particular area, on that particular day.
阴性结果不能证实患者没有PZ,只不过是实验室无法找到病毒而已 阴性结果不能排除无症状排毒,只是表明当时在取组织的地方没有发生无症状排毒而已
| A positive test can’t tell you which part of the body is affected: genitals, lips or somewhere else. The only way to know this is if you develop symptoms and/or to have a positive swab result. The blood test can’t prove that a given lesion is due to herpes. For example, you could have a positive blood test but symptoms due to some other condition such as thrush or a pimple.
阳性结果未能够告诉你哪个部位是被哪种型的病毒所感染,要知道的话,只有在不同部位取液泡化验了 验血并不能完全证明患处施由于疱疹引起,例如,你也许会因为丘疹或者其他情况而出现阳性结果
What are the problems with this test?
| False negative results are common. This means that the herpes virus isn’t found, even though the person actually has herpes. It can happen if the swab was taken too late (more than 3 days after symptoms appeared) if the swab wasn’t collected properly, or if it was contaminated by bacteria or other organisms such as thrush.
假阴性结果是很常见的。尽管患者感染疱疹,病毒还是会找不到,无论是液泡组织取得太晚 (出现症状的3日后取),还是没有在适当的地方提取,又或者有组织有细菌,或者其他有机体等,都可以导致结果为假阴性。
| A positive result doesn’t always mean you will develop symptoms of herpes, but just knowing the virus is there can be upsetting. It raises questions of how the person was infected, which can cause relationship difficulties. The person may also be concerned about passing the virus on. This is especially difficult when there’s no way of knowing which part of the body is infectious, or when. It’s important to think very carefully about these things before having the test.
阳性检查结果不一定会令你出现什么症状,不过知道这个事实会令到你很不愉快。从而引起很多疑问,例如,自己是如何被感染的,同时也令患者与伴侣关系进入艰难的时期。 病毒的传染途径可能引起了你的注意,这个是很难了解,尤其是没有确认哪些部位是由哪些病毒引起的时候。 在你进行测试前,这些都是一些需要慎重考虑的因素。